With thesemystical beasts, who dare to touch any of the Cheng’s members? That’s likehaving a death wish. So even though they were extremely upset at the Cheng’s,they dare not do anything about it.

Liu Tianshanhad them all figured out from the last few days of contact with them. It didn’tmatter how rude they were, they still followed their orders. He pretended hedidn’t hear their cussing, or see their staring. As his shi mei had said, you don’t lose a slice of flash when they cuss atyou; nor would you get injured from their stares. Nothing is more importantthan the mystical stones.

Slowly themystical water was sold out. Liu Tianshan turned and left. He was only here todo business.

Inside thecourtyard of the Cheng’s!

“Xiao Xiao,you are reading!” Cheng Biyuan saw his daughter as he was coming in from theoutside and said to her.

Cheng XiaoXiao looked up from the journal that she was reading and put it down. Lookingat her father walking inside, she said, “Dad, you looking for me?”

“Nothingspecific, just wanted to chat with you. Wait for me for a second, let me gowipe down my face. It’s been so uncomfortably hot lately!”

He walkedtoward the kitchen as he was talking. The maid standing by the kitchen entrancehad already gone in to help with getting the water.

Afterputting down the book in her hand, Cheng Xiao Xiao started preparing a cup oficed tea for her father.

She had onlyrecently figured out how to make iced tea. Especially in weather like this,it’d cool your entire body with a cup of iced team. It was very popular witheveryone since the first time she made it.

From the Cheng’s situation, they didn’t have any ice. But since thedimension gained the ying yang lake, Cheng Xiao Xiao had suggested for littleYuteng to create ice cubes from there. And these iced cubes were so pure theycould be eaten directly.

Ever since there were these iced-cubes, Cheng Xiao Xiao finally feltlike she was drinking iced water back in the 21st century. This puther in a good mood, which was why she hadn’t been going to pick on those up inthe mountains.

Soon after, Cheng Biyuan had finished washing up and rejoined ChengXiao Xiao. Before he said a word, he took the iced tea that his daughter hadpoured for him and drank it all up. That wasn’t quiet enough so he had threemore before he put the tea cup down.

“Dad, do you have something to talk to Xiao Xiao about?” asked ChengXiao Xiao with a smile.

Cheng Biyuan was now completely relaxed. He looked back at hisdaughter and asked, “Xiao Xiao, the a.s.sociate dean and his men have been in themountains for 6 to 7 days already, right?”

“Yeah, today is the 7th day!” nodded Cheng Xiao Xiao, a litsurprised that her father brought them up.

“Seven days!” Cheng Biyuan had a funny look on his face and said,“Xiao Xiao, I think the amount of trees they have cut down should be enough for us. Do you think we should releasethem about now?”

“Release them?” Cheng Xiao Xiao did not agree right away, but mumbledto herself, “Hmmm, they have less and less stuff on them. Keeping them anylonger would be like feeding them, that’s not worth it. If there’s nothing morewe can get from them, we should kick them out!”


After hearing her words, Cheng Biyuan turned away, embarra.s.sed. He hadheard about his daughter’s actions. He wasn’t sure what to make of heraggressive stance, but also didn’t want to interfere, so he just pretended thathe didn’t know.

Now that he heard it directly from her, he felt embarra.s.sed by her.That was way too money-grabbing!

“Dad, why are you [fake] coughing. I wasn’t doing that for myself. Ihave my reasons, and they happened to have what we need. So I have to somehowget it from them!” said Cheng Xiao Xiao matter of factly.

Cheng Biyuan couldn’t agree with her viewpoint, but he noticed anotherissue immediately and asked, “Xiao Xiao, what was your reasons? Do you needdad’s help?”


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