“Something’s wrong?” Old man Ning didn’t expect the question and wasbaffled by his question. He asked, “Old Lam, something’s the problem?”

“No, no problem. Or, I should say it’s something nice. Here…” Oldman Lam shook his head. Meeting everybody’s quizzical gaze, he pointed at therabbit meat on the table, “You guys all try this!”

Everybody exchanged looks with each other then all turned andlooked at the rabbit meat on the table at the same time. Then, wordlessly, theyall lifted their chopsticks and picked a piece of rabbit meat into their mouths.

This strange scene had gotten the attention of everybody else whowere in the dining hall. Everybody stopped what they were doing and looked atthese few old fellas.

The steward standing outside the dining room had a different lookon him. His was that of angst and uncertainty. Occasionally he’d even use hissleeve to wipe away the sweat on his forehead!

Hot d.a.m.n! These are all special guests of the master. Had he knownbetter, he shouldn’t have bought those fowls from an unknown source. What ifsomething was wrong? He’d be in deep trouble!

Under everyone’s stare, the few elders all looked astonished. Theone in grey couldn’t help but said, “What is going on? These tastes like spiritualanimal meat. Old man Ning, how did these find their way to your place?”

Spiritual animal meat?

The phrase startled everyone who was there. Everybody looked incredulous,especially the steward who was just regretting his decision. He stood there indisbelief.

Immediately, the once lively scene turned silent. Everybody turnedand looked to Old man Ning for an answer.

Old man Ning frowned slightly. He turned and looked at the one standingoutside the dining room, “Old Hui, c’mon in. What’s the matter? How did thesefowls made their way here?”

Everybody at the Ning House knew well that these were not animals theyhave raised. So they’d have to be bought from outside.

The butler walked inside under everybody’s stare. He cupped hishands and greeted everyone before he turned to Old man Ning and said “Master, thesechickens and rabbits were purchased by steward Kao from the outside. I reallyknow nothing about them!”

“Ko Yang?” Old man Ning was surprised!

“Old man Ning, why don’t you have Ko Yang come here to tell us what’sgoing on?” Laughed Old Lam.

Everybody else nodded, they all want to know where these fowlscame from.

Old man Ning gave a bitter smile and said, “Everyone, Ko Yang isnot here. I had arranged him to go run some errands for me this morning.”


That was unexpected, and everybody was unsatisfied with the answer,but there were not much they could do.

“Brother Ning, roughly when will Ko Yang be back?” The old man ingrey asked.

“Half a month at the earliest!” Answered Old man Ning with abitter smile.

Everybody was even more disappointed.

The butler standing in front of them spoke again, “Master, thechickens and rabbits were delivered by a pair of mother and daughter. Would youlike me to make arrangement to look for them?”


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