Lu Zhu happy she was on the brink of tears. She spinned around and her green outfitfluttered in the air. Her face was red from excitement. She looked like a fairyin the woods, her happiness was infectious to those around her.

Zhu Qing, onthe other hand, just followed quietly behind the two of them. Deep down, he washappy too. He never thought that he’d run into someone so kind and nice andgave him so much.

“Mistress, Iam so happy. You are so nice to us.” Lu Zhu’s eyes reddened again and shecouldn’t help but to share how she was feeling. Her mistress had treated herbetter than her own family had, how could she not be happy?

“I agree,you are so nice to us.” He had never heard of anyone being bought would begiven new clothes. Nor had he ever heard of servants being treated so nicelybefore. This was totally unheard of.

“Don’t saythat. I am from a poor family too. It was just that I have worked very hard andnow the situation had improved. Seeing you two reminded me of who I was in thepast. I don’t think of you two as servants, but more my younger brother andsister. As long as you do your job well, I will treat you nicely. Of course, Idon’t like to be betrayed, so you can’t disappoint me!” smiled Cheng Xiao Xiao.They were both children from poor families, but she still must be caution.

Of course,as long as they were good at their jobs, she’d be very nice to them!

“Mistress, Iwill never betray my mistress!” said Lu Zhu with her eyes red.

“Mistress,same with Zhu Qing. I will never betray my mistress!” Zhu Qing was close totears as well.

“Okay, youtwo must be hungry. Let’s go get some food!” She couldn’t tell whether theywould be loyal in the future, but right now their att.i.tude made her happy.

Hearingabout food, the two starving kids’ eyes lit up.

Cheng XiaoXiao didn’t say much and took them into a small restaurant not to far ahead. Itwasn’t that she was frugal about taking them to a fancier restaurant, but morethat she didn’t want to attract too much attention. Afterall, a young womanwith two half-grown kids would draw a lot of attention. She wanted to say lowkey and avoid any possible issues!

“Boss, giveus a few meat buns, four stirred fries, and three bowls of rice!”


Chapters 1 - 18 now available!


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