Double feature day!!

As my very last patron in August had completed the 8x update a week goal. Today will be the double feature day!! Don"t forget to read BOTH parts of QQ Farm! :)


It was waytoo easy to take care of these bandits with no practical martial art skills atall. Almost like slaughtering chickens.


Theremaining bandits were too terrified to stay and fight. They felt that thisperson in front of them were an undefeatable existence. One loud cry and theyall started running away in different directions.

Naturally,there was no way Cheng Xiao Xiao would let them get away. From the moment shedecided to get involved, their fate have been sealed.

Of course,they were to all attack her together, it might have caused her some minorinconvenience. But now that they were trying to escape, it made her job eveneasier!

Jade vineswere shot out one after another. One by one the bandits were tied and draggedback.

“Monster!You are a monster! You are not human!”

Facing theseinexplicable phenomena, one of the bandits shouted uncontrollably.

He wasn’tthe only one. The others were mortified as well. The young girl in front ofthem had turned into a monster with a giant, b.l.o.o.d.y mouth instantly.

Cheng XiaoXiao snickered coldly, “Oh, if I am a monster then what do you call yourselves,you heart and flesh-eating cannibalistic bunch. Aren’t you worse than monster?”

At thismoment, Flower Monk, who had been lying on the floor, had completely given uphope. Never would he had imagined that even his 30-something men could not takecare of this little girl. n.o.body could say him. He was going to die!

“Yuteng,how’s Bighead Chi?”

Cheng XiaoXiao finally had a chance to asked about the bandit who risked his own life tosave her!

“Youngmistress, he is fine. After my treatment, his injuries are no longerlife-threatening. But it will take some time for him to recover!”

“Can he comeout for a second?”


“Have QingZhu help him out!”


After theexchange telepathically, and under everybody’s watch, the silhouette two personappeared out of thin air – it was, indeed, Bighead Chi with the support of QingZhu.

“Mistress!”said Qing Zhu respectfully to Cheng Xiao Xiao.

Bighead Chislowly kneeled in front of Cheng Xiao Xiao and said, “Thank you, Miss, forsaving my life!”

“Get up!”said Cheng Xiao Xiao as she looked at the pale Bighead Chi.

“Yes, Miss!”

Bighead Chigot up slowly with the help of Qing Zhu. When he saw the scene around the room,he was both surprised and happy. Finally, his sight fell upon Flower Monk andhis face immediately filled with hatred and said, “Miss, can you hand the monkover to me to do with as I please?”

“Oh? Youwant to avenge him?” Cheng Xiao Xiao asked unnecessarily, his face had alreadysaid it all.

“Yes, eyefor an eye, tooth for a tooth!” nodded Bighead Chi. With teary eyes and achoked voice, he continued, “He killed my entire family!

“FlowerMonk, do you still remember the family of seven that you killed in the villageof w.a.n.g’s 10 years ago?” shouted Bighead Chi angrily.

“That year,you came looking for a place to stay the night. Our family took you into ourhome seeing that you were a monk. We treated you kindly, but you were such amonster…

“Not onlydid you kill both of my parents, you even tortured and killed my 13 year oldsister! You are a devil!!

“There wouldbe no Bighead Chi had I not pa.s.sed out from the cut from you on my face. I havetried so hard to memorize your look and searched for you. I finally found youthree years ago and joined your group of bandits!

“Oh, how Ihate you!!” screamed the tear-stained Bighead Chi. “I have thought aboutkilling you day and night. Unfortunately you were too strong for me. I am norival of yours, not even if I am willing to give up my life. So I stayed, and Iwaited… for that one day….”


Chapters 1 - 23 now available!


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