At this very moment, she also intentionally let out some of hermartial master qi. It made everyone present turned pale and their bodiestrembled.

“You want income, you need to earn it with hard work. You can’t justget it for free, don’t you know? Us, the Cheng’s, can’t just let you walk allover us. We are generous, that doesn’t mean you can bully us; we let you take advantage of us, that doesn’tmean we are idiots. One should know when to be contended; otherwise, it willonly bring about troubles!”

When she got to here, Cheng Xiao Xiao slowly withheld all her qiand looked over at the old patriarch, “Grandpa Liu, what do you say?”

“Xiao Xiao is right. The Cheng’s can decide who they want to keep andwho they don’t. Right now, the Cheng’s have been treating us very nicely and weare all aware of that. Of course, we must know when enough is enough!”

When he spoke his last sentence, he looked over all the ones who werethere.

Everybody were adults; naturally they understood what the two of themwere saying. That, along with the pressure created intentionally by Cheng XiaoXiao, made these normally unreasonable village women dare not say another word.

Seeing that everybody are silent, Cheng Xiao Xiao lightly drummed onthe table. Immediately servants carrying small baskets streamed into the roomand placed one in front of each woman before they retreated.

“They have been trained here for a month. Even though there are notsalary, but we are giving you each 20 eggs as compensation. You can bring themback with you!

The village women, who were already too frighten to make another fuss,now had even less reasons and excuses to do so. Certainly, they do not have therights to force anything on the Cheng’s.

They weren’t exactly sure about the Cheng’s current standing, but theyalso weren’t dumb enough to go and smash eggs against rocks. They at least havethe senses to know when to retreat.

Under the pressure from Cheng Xiao Xiao, they obediently took backtheir kids. Of course, each and every single one of them made sure they broughtthe eggs with them.

After seeing them out, Cheng Xiao Xiao walked out and saw her fatherdiscussing with Patriarch Liu on their moving date. It should be within thenext couple of days.

Her immediate objective right now was to look for a location forgrowing medicinal herbs that was both slightly hidden to most, but also allowthose who tried hard enough to find. Then she’d be able to start selling herbslegitimately.

As the date of trading coming closer, she wasn’t going to let thatopportunity get by.

Slowly walking into the bamboo forest, Cheng Xiao Xiao summoned littleYuteng. Little Yuteng sat on Cheng Xiao Xiao’s shoulder and said before she waseven asked, “Young Mistress, you want a location for your medicinal herb? Thatcouldn’t be easier. What about the unplowed field behind the bamboo forest? Wecan certainly convert that.”

“Behind the bamboo forest? Isn’t that just a field of rocks? How arewe going to transform that?”

Cheng Xiao Xiao had walked over there once or two. At the time shethought the several mu of unplowed field would soon be taken over by thebamboos. She didn’t expect little Yuteng to suggest using that area foranything else.

“Hehe, Young Mstiress, transforming the composition of the soil therecouldn’t be easier for me.”

“Good! I like hearing that!” Cheng Xiao Xiao was ecstatic. She jumpedup and ran through the bamboo forest and arrived at the unplowed land at notime.

“Okay, it’s all you now!”

“No problem!”

Little Yuteng flew up. With a wave of her little hand, the entirefield of weeds that have been growing out of control dried up immediately.Right after that, they started to burn.


In no time flat all the weeds had turned into ashes. Whatever thatneed to had turned into ashes; anything that should stay remained untouched.Little Yuteng controlled that skillfully.


Chapters 1 - 29 now available!


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