Today is double feature day. Don"t forget to read both parts. ^__^


The mistress and her servant were in the garden. Miss Jun’er slouchedon the stone table seemingly bored; as for Gong Zixuan, she just read her bookquietly. After all, she has been living this lifestyle for over ten years now.

“Mistress, where do you think young master Mo has gone to? I thoughthe never liked to leave this place, so why did he leave this time? And why ishe gone for so long? We couldn’t even find him when we wanted to?”

“That’s none of your business!” said Gong Zixuan nonchalantly withouteven looking up.

Miss Jin’er rested her chin in her palms and pouted indissatisfaction, “Mistress, you can’t say that, okay? We have the goodintention of introducing a friend to him. It wasn’t like we are just lookingfor him for the fun of it. If he doesn’t come back in a year or more, MissCheng just might be married by then and he won’t stand a chance at all. Hrm.Hrm. A book nerd like him just might never be able to find a wife!”


Gong Zixuan couldn’t help but laughed out loud after hearing Jun’er’swords and she wasn’t able to keep on reading. She looked at the girl in frontof her with her limpid eyes and teased, “Well, if you are so worried about him,why don’t we marry you off to him if he really can’t find himself a wife, eh?What do you think about that?”

“No! I don’t want to marry him! I can’t stand his talkativeness! Hewill drive me crazy!”

Without thinking, Jun’er shook her head vehemently, as though it wa.s.some vicious beast that they were talking about, “I think only Miss Cheng willbe able to put up with someone like him. We should save him for Miss Cheng!”

“You better watch out that little sister Xiao Xiao won’t seek you outto settle the scores with you later!” laughed Gong Zixuan, “I have no ideawhere Shi Xiong Mo went to. We have sent him a letter over a month agoand haven’t heard anything back from him yet. That was truly odd.”

“Mistress, he could be kind of silly sometimes, do you think he mightbe kidnapped?” randomly Jun’er came up with some crazy ideas.

“Now you are just being silly….” Gong Zixuan was looking more seriousnow, “Shi Xiong Mo just don’t comprehend social interaction very well,but he is a very nice person deep down inside. Not to mention that he was sucha talented person that only come by once every few hundred years; how could youcall him silly?”

“Naturally I don’t really mean he’s silly; it’s just that he seems soclueless sometimes and that makes him looks silly. But that’s also what makeshim cute. Young Master Mo is a nice person!”

“Okay, the good, the bad, you have listed them all out. I don’t evenknow what goes through that mind of yours. You should spend some time onreading, so you won’t say you are bored all the time!”

Shi mei Gong, are you bored? Would you like your shi xiong tochat with you some? From my calculations, nothing should be bothering youlately.”

A familiar voice came from afar. Even before they could see theperson, little Jun’er jumped up from the stone bench and shouted out excitedly,“Mistress, Young Master Mo is back!!”

Chirp. Chirp.

As though responding to little Jun’er, a crisp chirping sound from themystical crane could be heard.

A beam of light shined in Gong Zixuan’s eyes. Smiling, she looked upinto the sky and saw a mystical crane flying closer and closer to them slowly.On its back was a silhouette that had not changed for the past 20 years. Theperson and the mystical crane landed in the garden shortly.

“Young master Mo, you are finally back!” Jun’er ran over withuncontainable excitement, as though she had saw some kind of fun toy.

Mo Xuanzun smiled at the one dashing toward him but before he couldsay anything, Jun’er ran right pa.s.sed him and threw her arms around themystical who had just came to a complete stop, “Hey there, little crane. Whodid you go to play with?”

Chirp. Chirp. Chirp.

Hugged by little Jun’er, the proud mystical crane let out distresscries.

“Hehe, little mystical crane. You can chirp all you want, but you areplaying with me. Come, I will take you to have some giant salamander, what doyou say?” Jun’er kept the mystical crane in a deadlock that it couldn’t get outof.


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