“I…..” Mo Xuanzun looked disturbed. After hesitating for a long while,he finally said with a bitter smile, “Shi mei Gong, I wasn’t able to seeit clearly!”

“Wasn’t able to see it clearly?”

Gong Zixuan raised her browed and asked in disbelief, “How is thatpossible. Shi xiong, you really couldn’t tell? Even if you do have somesort of entanglement with little sister Xiao Xiao in the future, surely you’dbe able to had a peek of sort!”


He opened his mouth and closed it again. Mo Xuanzun had no idea how toexplain it. He had tried to calculate both the girl’s origin and fate, but hewasn’t able to see anything. It felt like a slap on his face, so he forced hisway to peek into what he shouldn’t just to try and figure it all out. Therewere two individuals on his mind, but he was only able to see one of them.

In the alternate world, with a quick peek, he felt it was the girlwhom he had met and saved in the valley and couldn’t get out of his mind.

As for the so-called Cheng Xiao Xiao, he really didn’t see her; so hereally wasn’t able to answer Gong Zixuan’s question.

Shi xiong Mo, does that mean you have no ties at all withlittle sister Xiao Xiao? Or that you do?”

“Ugh, I am not sure either. I guess a messy relationship?” Mo Xuanzunthrew out the first thing on his mind.

Upon hearing that, Gong Zixuan covered up her mouth and smile. Lookingat him with great interest, she said, “Shi xiong Mo, if you really fellfor my little sister Xiao Xiao, you better be nice to her. Otherwise, I willhave a bone to pick with you!”

“Ugh, I don’t think so, Me and her….”

Mo Xuanzun’s handsome face stiffened. He thought about the mean girlwhom he met. All he wanted was to find her again. He shook his head, “Shimei Gong, don’t be silly. I can only look at that Cheng Xiao Xiao like asister and nothing else. I don’t want anything else with her; it’s notpossible!”


Looking at the man in front of her who seemed to be a little bitdifferent than before, Gong Zixuan blurted out what was on her mind, “Shixiong Mo, you fell for a girl?”

“Ugh…” Mo Xuanzun, who had just recovered some, seemed nervous all ofa sudden. Quickly he denied, “No! You are making stuff up! I did not fall forany girls. Don’t even joke about that!”

Mo Xuanzun’s behavior couldn’t have been more obvious!

Gong Zixuan tried as hard as she could to stop herself from laughingout loud. She didn’t expect him to meet a pretty girl on his first trip ever.This nerd would fall for someone? She was so curious, “Shi xiong Mo, isshe pretty?”

“Yes, very pretty. But, she was so mean…”

Mo Xuanzun suddenly realized that he had spilled what was on his mind.He shut his mouth and stared at Gong Zixuan with his long and narrow eyes. Ahint of frustration on his handsome face, he said unhappily, “You tricked me.That wasn’t very nice. Good girls don’t do things like that. You should be moreaware of that in the future. Don’t forget, I am your shi xiong afterall!”

“Hehe, shi xiong had fallen for a girl. It’s not a bad thing.Why didn’t you bring her back?” Gong Zixuan didn’t care that he was pullingrank with her but continued with her questioning.

“There’s no such thing!” Mo Xuanzun decided to end the subject andpretended that he didn’t say anything at all.

“Fine! Be that way then!”

Judging by his look, Gong Zixuan understood that it would be pointlessto ask any more questions. If Mo Xuanzun didn’t want to share something, n.o.bodywould be able to get it out of him.

Shi xiong Mo, but you are still going to visit little sisterXiao Xiao at Dafeng?”


Thinking about her again, Mo Xuanzun felt very conflicted as he wasn’table to calculate what kind of a character this Cheng Xiao Xiao was. He eye sight fell upon the vine again. He didwant to go meet her and figure out what exactly was this vine. Not only that itwas odd, it was also very powerful. No ordinary weapons would be able to rivalit.


Chapters 1 - 37 now available!


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