Cheng XiaoXiao nodded at him and added “I am okay!” to comfort him.

“Xiao Xiao!”Mrs. Cheng ran over and threw her arms around her. Crying, she said, “XiaoXiao, you nearly scared me to death. I am so glad you are alright….”

Mrs. Chengwas also particularly worry about her oldest daughter. She was the one whocarried the weight for the family every time; whereas she wasn’t able to everdo much herself. Especially just now, she was so worried she was going to losethis daughter.

“Mom, don’tworry. I really am okay. Me, dad, and Uncle Zhou are all okay. You can relax!”

Her mother’strembling body let Cheng Xiao Xiao felt her love and concern for her all overagain. She wiped away her mother’s tears with her sleeve and said, “Mom, don’tworry. n.o.body can hurt me!”

“Alright,Yuqin. Xiao Xiao still have to save these mystical beasts. Let’s not all standaround here. Everybody goes back to their place!” Cheng Biyuan pulled his wifeaside and away from his daughter.

Cheng ZhengYuan stepped forward immediately and said, “Big sister, I can help!”

“No, noneed. You all go inside the house will be helping me a lot. Now go!” smiledCheng Xiao Xiao quietly.

“Big sister,how can you handle this all by youself?!”

“Zheng Yuan,listen to your older sister and go back!” said Cheng Biyuan with a deep voice.

Seeing thatneither his father nor his sister seemed to be joking, Cheng Zheng Yuan finallynodded and left.

Under ChengBiyuan and Zhou Jinjiang’s ushering and order, everybody retuned to theirquarters, including the Willow villagers who came over to see what hadhappened. Everybody was sent home.

In order toavoid further drama, Cheng Xiao Xiao had little Yuteng to cordon off about 100meters diameter of s.p.a.ce. Under the thick foliage, even if someone wanted topeek, they won’t be able to see what was going on inside.

Cheng XiaoXiao collected all the mystical beasts back into the dimension. It was onlyinside the dimension when little Yuteng could work her magic to bring them backto health.

When all themystical beasts have been collected, Cheng Xiao Xiao flashed inside as well.She hadn’t forget that she had also collected that d.a.m.n old man. She wonderedif the dimension would be able to tame someone with his cultivation level.

Uponentering the dimension, Cheng Xiao Xiao immediately saw the confused-lookingold man in grey. He stood dumbfounded in the open area in front of the villa,as though he was still out of it.

When he sawCheng Xiao Xiao, he was shocked and stared at her with a deadly gaze.

At thismoment in time, he was not able to have any killing intent or hatefulnesstoward the person in front of him. Contrarily, he felt a respect for her fromthe bottom of his heart, as though he wanted to recognize her as his mistress.

He was,again, stunned with this newfound emotion. Watching the person approaching himwith killing intent, he could only feel anxiety and regret, and nothing else.

What… whathad just happened?

He could notunderstand the change within him. With his cultivation level, n.o.body on thiscontinent had the ability to control him. Yet, right now, he felt that he wascontrolled, and in a very willing way.

He felt thatif the young woman in front of him tell him to kill himself right now, hewouldn’t even hesitate before he smashed his own skill and die in front of her.

Cheng XiaoXiao stared at him coldly as his look altered along with his thoughts. Eventhough she was walking toward him, she was walking very, very slowly.

Other thanbeing on her guard, she was also watching closely his reaction and the alteringof his emotions.

Luckily,throughout the entire time, all she could saw on him was confusion, suspicion,anxiety, and regret etc., nothing along the line of killing intent and hatred.


Chapters 1 - 43 now available!


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