“Yuteng, ifwe encounter more powerful cultivators like this one and absorb them into thedimension, would the cause any issues?” Cheng Xiao Xiao really wanted tounderstand this point.

“Youngmistress, I don’t think we should do that for the time being, unless we raninto similar situations like we just did. After all, our dimension’s level isnot that high. If we have too many high level cultivators, I’m afraid it willbring out some sort of imbalance. We definitely wouldn’t want any issues.”

“Hmmm, youare right!” Cheng Xiao Xiao seemed to be pondering about something else andcontinued, “I studied the old man carefully earlier. He was certainlyrespectful to me, yet he was still able to doubt himself and feel thatsomething was out of the ordinary. I am afraid we haven’t converted himentirely yet.”

“Youngmistress, you are certainly right!” smiled little Yuteng, “But don’t you worry,young mistress. If he didn’t even have the intention to rebel when he first gothere, it’s a matter of time before he’s converted 100% as he spend more timehere in the dimension.”

“That’d begreat!”

Cheng XiaoXiao shrugged and smiled, “Even though we have no shortage of methods to takecare of him in the dimension, but it’d still be a headache for us if he was tocause any ruckus. It will be best if he is compliant.”

“That’s why,Young Mistress, I suggest you to only take in those who are willing to come in.When you take in those, even if the dimension’s level wasn’t high enough, theystill won’t act aberrantly or have too much desire to rebel; if we force takehigh cultivators, and the dimension’s level isn’t high enough to transformthem, they really might wreak havoc in here. We must keep this in mind in thefuture!”


Cheng XiaoXiao smiled, her eyes sparkled and she continued, “Even so, we just need tokeep working on levelling up the dimension. When the dimension is powerfulenough to transform those kind of people, we won’t have to let go of these scoundrels.The hoodlums who always bully others weaker then them, and rob from them. Wewill collect them all and turn them into our slaves!”

“Hehe, YoungMistress, whatever pleases you!” little Yuteng knew she was truly angered thistime. Twice she was almost killed; both times because she wasn’t as strong asher opponents. She could only stood there and wait to be slaughtered.

Naturallythat was not a pleasant feeling.

Cheng XiaoXiao looked at her own hands and asked, “Yuteng, do you think I am too weak andtoo helpless?”

“YoungMistress, why do you think that?”

LittleYuteng frowned and said, “Young Mistress, you should keep in mind that youhaven’t even cultivated for a year yet, and already went from a beginner to amartial master. This was unheard of for anyone else, just impossible. If itwasn’t for the dimension, and the fact that I have mystical qi flowing directlyinto you, it would have taken you at least ten years. You have alreadyshortened the time by nine years, aren’t you happy about that?”

“Of coursenot!”

Cheng XiaoXiao sighed, looked at the foggy dimension, and muttered to herself, “It wasonly when I was facing my own demise when I realized how weak I truly was. Icouldn’t even try to fight back. So what that I had became a martial artist ina year? In the eyes of the others, weak is weak!”

“YoungMistress, that was an accident….”

LittleYuteng flew on top of her shoulder, her little hand stroked her face and said,“Young Mistress, you should understand that with your level as a martial masteralong with your ability as a beast tamer, even the Top Nine Sects wouldn’t dareto target you. The old man just now probably cultivated on his own and somehowmade it to martial emperor, which was probably he didn’t care to just take whathe wants.


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