Yet it has happened. If he valued Cheng Xiao Xiao before now due to herstatus as a master beast tamer, then now he had completely looked at her as amysterious person.

He had a feeling that she wasn’t merely just a master beast tamer!

She had a weird fan that could enlarge and shrink at will; she hadstrange vines that could elongate and reduce at all. Yet n.o.body had any ideaswhat they were.

At this moment in time, Zhu Xiangyu realized how difficult it was goingto be to try to figure out the Cheng’s, no, Cheng Xiao Xiao. Almost impossible.

But the more challenging it was, the more it piqued his interest. Theharder it was to dig up the secret, the more fun it’d be.

He has been back for a few days now; he should go pay another visit tothe maiden Miss Cheng. After all, he had only delivered half of the items hehad in hand. Now it’s time to deliver the other half.

Other than Zhu Xiangyu, the Ning’s on the other side, was similar payinga lot of attention to what has been going on with the Cheng’s. They have alsocaught wind of what had happened at the Cheng’s last night. Surprisinglyenough, their speculations were identical to that of Zhu Xiangyu’s!

But, they did not make any moves; or better yet, they dare not make anymoves!

Even a martial emperor disappeared in front of the Cheng’s; they weremerely martial spiritualist and martial kings, and they didn’t have any deathwish!

Cheng Xiao Xiao returned to her resident and casually asked the her some food. After she had eaten, she told the sisters Yesu andYecao that she was going to lock herself up and cultivate, and to not knock onher door unless it was serious matters.

Yesu and Yecao took her order to heart!

Back in the dimension!

Cheng Xiao Xiao witnessed the vicious battle between man and beasts. Hereyes brightened and she stared intently at the battle!

The mystical beasts fought Ying Ziliang with no regards to their ownlives (granted, their lives were not in danger this time). Mainly this was aimto improve fighting ability of the mystical beasts through Ying Ziliang. Afterall, these mystical beasts had never been through any battles, so naturallythey didn’t have much experience. Right now they were finally able tocompensate for that deficiency.

She didn’t think little Yuteng would have already arranged for that inbarely half a day’s time.

Roars after roars, it didn’t matter that they were sent flyingrepeatedly. They kept charging back at Ying Ziliang like bugs toward light.

Deep down inside, the mystical beasts were still blood thirty beasts.Especially when they were in a battle like this; they get more and morecourageous as time pa.s.sed. They had no intention of giving up.

Standing under the crystal-fruit tree, Cheng Xiao Xiao looked on for abit before she told little Yuteng to set up a parameter for her so she couldcultivate without being distracted by the noises.

Sitting down cross legged, little Yuteng handed a water bottle over toher. Inside the bottle was not just one, but three different kind of type ofwaters – mystical water, frigid water, and blazing water.

All three types were extremely rare waters. If Cheng Xiao Xiao wanted tocontinue increasing her cultivation level, the mantra alone wasn’t going to beenough; she also needed to strengthen the meridians inside her body.

She didn’t drink these waters right away. She needed to practice hermantra first and only drank them when the time was right.

After she was in a trance, little Yuteng flew over and sat on top of thecrystal fruit tree. She zoned out while looking at the water bottle. As she wasthe one who created the mixture, she had a pretty good idea about its effect.She also knew full well that most normal person would not be able to handlethat at all.

Especially someone merely at the level of a martial master, they wouldexperience agonizing pain upon drinking this concoction. If they could make it,it would certain be very beneficial, and if they couldn’t…

No, she would never let anything happen to her!

Little Yuteng began collecting qi all over again. After pullingthem into threads upon threads of mystical qi, she once again directedthem to enter Cheng Xiao Xiao’s body.

The Cheng’s has learned that Cheng Xiao Xiao had begun cultivatingbehind closed doors from Yesu.


Chapters 1 - 45 now available!


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