Old man Ying didn’t even know to respond to the little guy.

He didn’t come to rob or kill this time, okay? Geez, must he be so meanto a grandpa?

Ever since his mindset had been readjusted, he was also a lot lessviolent and more friendly. But, of course, Cheng Xiao Xiao was the only one whoknew about the changes, not the others present.

Cheng Biyuan still looked ghastly, but he noticed that the old mandidn’t make any movements, nor was he exuding any killer. He calmed downquickly and, at the same time, remember his daughter’s words. Did she….

His eyes contracted suddenly and he couldn’t help but to look over athis daughter. At the same time, Zhou Jinjiang who had thought of the same thingalso turned and look at Cheng Xiao Xiao.

If Cheng Biyuan’s reaction had given Zhu Xiangyu any suspicion; thenCheng Zheng Yuan’s words definitely made him think of something. He was stunnedall over again.

Hearing her brother’s words, Cheng Xiao Xiao teased and said, “ZhengYuan, you better be careful. Elder Ying and squish you into minced meat withjust one of his little fingers!”

“Miss, please don’t say that. I think young master is already mad enoughat me!” said Old man Ying with a bitter smile.

Just that one line from him stunned everyone there immediately. All oftheir eyes widened and they all looked incredulous.

“What? He is an elder of our house?” asked the stupefied Cheng ZhengYuan.

Cheng Xiao Xiao nodded. Looking at her father and the rest who werestill stoned, she couldn’t help but covered up her mouth and smiled, “Yes,Elder Ying will be our Deacon Elder starting today. Not only will he help usguard our home; he will also help dad and Uncle Zhou with other mattersconcerning the family!”

“I am Ying Ziliang. Greetings, Master, Madam!” Old man Ying cupped hishand and greeted Cheng Biyuan. His tone and mannerism very respectful anddidn’t seem fake at all.

Cheng Biyuan let out a deep, long breath and suppressed his roilingemotions. He nodded at him and said, “Greetings, Elder Ying. Treat this as yourown home from now on!”

“Exactly, we will let bygone be bygone and no need to bring any of thoseup every again. We will help each other out going forward!” Smiling, Cheng XiaoXiao chimed in.

Zhu Xiangyu really wanted to smack himself upside his own head. Hereally wanted to know if he was dreaming!

If he was right about it, the martial emperor who had attacked theCheng’s eight nights ago had just became the Cheng’s deacon elder. Was thissome sort of a joke?

He couldn’t lift his eyes off of this martial emperor. He was dying toknow why he’d decide to stay at the Cheng’s. Even if you pooled every singleperson at the Cheng’s, they were still no match for a martial emperor.

In other words, this martial emperor could come and go as he pleased.There were no reason at all for him to stay and serve the Cheng’s.

Zhu Xiangyu examined him up and down with his eyes and couldn’t discoveranything out of place with the martial emperor. There were no signs that he wa.s.staying against his will. From his look and eyes, he seemed to be staying outof his own will.

“Hey, kid, didn’t your mother teach you that it’s rude to stare atsomeone like that?”

Old man Ying was respectful to the Cheng’s, but that didn’t mean hewould be respectful to everyone. He was still that prideful martial emperor. Hewould still annihilate anyone who was rude to him.

“Ugh.” Under the sharp stare of Old Man Ying, he retracted his look withslight embarra.s.sment. Cupping his hands, he said, “Junior is Zhu Xiangyu of theGreen Mountain Manor. Greetings, Senior!”

“Hrm, don’t bother dropping names in front of me. I couldn’t care lessabout those!” Old Man Ying was still a prideful man!

Zhu Xiangyu felt very awkward in front of the hard-to-please old man.Alas, what could he do about that?


Chapters 1 - 45 now available!


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