Little Yuteng looked at the bright green meaty bugs and chuckled, “Youngmistress, these bugs are resilient. None of the normal pesticides work on them.Your idea of burning them would work, it’s just that they are difficult togather.”

“Alright, stop laughing at our misfortune here and see if you can thinkof some ways to get rid of these bugs.”

As she was talking, her eyes beamed all of a sudden, “Little Yuteng, ifI remember correctly, don’t we have our own pesticides in the dimension?”

“That’s worth a shot. After all, we have much more powerful pesticidesin the dimension than what you have on the outside.”

As she was talking, little Yuteng grabbed some of them and directlysprinkled them onto the bugs. As they looked on, collapsed onto the ground andstarted curling up into b.a.l.l.s. Slowly, the green on their body faded and theirbody started to shrink. Finally, under their intent stare, they all turned intopowder and disappeared.

“Wowsa, these pesticides are ridiculously amazing!” Cheng Xiao Xiaocouldn’t help but to cry out.

Proudly, little Yuteng said, “Every products you find here in thedimension are the best of the best!”

“Okay, you can stop bragging now. How much of these do we have? Thereare quite a bit of bugs outside!” said Cheng Xiao Xiao helplessly.

“I don’t kow how much we have, but I can always clone them, sotechnically we have an unlimited amount of supply!”

“That works. Hurry up and clone so we can take them to kill all thebugs. These bugs are way too scary. In a few days they would have eaten up allof Willows’ crops!”

“Okay, that’s an easy task!”

After she had little Yuteng started on working on the pesticides, ChengXiao Xiao exited the dimension. First thing she did was to send the sistersYesu and Yecao away for other around the house as she startedtransporting the pesticides that little Yuteng created into the outside.

In the time of one incense, the courtyard was covered in pesticides. Sheturned to the direction of the guest quarter and called out, “Hey, Old Man Ying,can you come over!”


He was there as soon as his voice has reached her. Looking at all thestuff that cluttered up the courtyard, he asked, “Miss, these are yourpesticides?”

“Exactly. These are very powerful pesticides. Do not eat them. I won’tbe able to bring you back after you’ve turned into powder!”

“That powerful?” Old Man Ying blinked and said, “Miss, are these fromthe inside?”

“Of course they are. Hurry up, transport them out and have the mensprinkle them on the bugs. Tell them to not eat them, preferably not even touchthem, just to be on the safe side!”

“Ugh, okay!”

Old Man Ying was quite familiar with all the amazing items from thedimension so there was no doubts in his mind. Carefully he placed thepesticides into a dimension ring and took off immediately.

Cheng Xiao Xiao was worried that they didn’t have enough pesticides soshe asked little Yuteng to keep going with the cloning. At the same time, shethought of something else, if they have these kind of bugs in Willows, wouldn’tthey have it at other locations also?

Thinking of that, she summoned Yesu immediately and have her to fetchZhou Jinjiang

Zhou Jinjiang had been travelling for three days and just got back. Hehad already heard about the bugs and was getting worried. When he heard thatCheng Xiao Xiao was looking for him, he headed over right away.

When he arrived, Cheng Xiao Xiao’s courtyard was covered in pesticidesall over again. He asked immediately, “Xiao Xiao, these are the pesticides thatyou have produced?”

“Yes, Uncle Zhou. I would like you to make some arrangements to surveilaround Qing’an Province and see if there are any other areas that also haveinfestation from these bugs. That way we will be able to handle them in time;otherwise, the peasants would not be able to harvest in fall.”


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