The canopy went dead silent again with the last called out price. Thesecond portion went for almost double the cost of the first one. That was asurprise to everyone.

With a knock of the gavel, this time the mystical water went to BaguaSect.

The third portion went up for bid, and after another round of fiercecompet.i.tion, it was finally sold for five hundred and twenty mystical stones.

The fourth portion was sold for four hundred and eighty mystical stones.

The fifth portion, six hundred mystical stones.

The sixth portion sold seven hundred mystical stones!

The mystical water alone sold for three thousand or so mystical stones.Sitting there quietly the entire time, the corners of Zhu Xiangyu’s mouthtwisted uncontrollably, it’d be impossible to get any deals from the Cheng’sgoing forward. Even a mutual gain would be difficult.

Gu Junxian, hiding in the corner next to his master, watched the dramaunfold coldly. Deep down inside he hatefully wondered why Cheng Xiao Xiaohasn’t shown her face yet.

He was there to wait for her to show up. As soon as she appeared, hewould ask to annul the betrothal right then and there.

As for his master, the coldness had finally lessen up a bit after theGu’s won one bid with six hundred mystical stones.

Because what belonged to the Gu’s now belonged to him.

After the mystical water came the mystical fowls. Also divided into sixequal shares with sixty animals each. Bids started at one hundred fiftymystical stones.

More rounds of vicious bidding ensued. Everybody went nuts, even theunaffiliated cultivators, not wanting to leave empty handed, started throwingdown high amount of mystical stones.

Alas, it was still difficult for them to compete with the Top Nine Sectsand the top families. Four to five hundred mystical stones were at the top oftheir budget.

All of them sat there green with envy staring at the power playerssitting at the front of the venue.

They were all standing in the way of them trying to acquire anything.The prices were bid to an outrageous level and all the winning bids going tothem, leaving nothing for the unaffiliated.

They felt progressively more unjust but n.o.body dare take any actions.

That being said, not everybody from the priority section was able to gettheir hands onto something. The most surprising was the School of DivineCondor; they didn’t even bid on anything, as though there were just here asonlookers.

Other than those from School of Divine Condor, the elder from EmperorCity Cheng’s also did not join in the bidding, as though nothing going onconcerned him at the moment. He just sat there as quiet as he could be.

Mystical fowls were also sold at outrageous prices. Old Man Ying, whowas in somewhat of a foul mood, starting to feel a bit more uplifted.

That was because, he knew that his young mistress loved mystical stones.These prices would definitely appease his mistress. And, as long as his youngmistress was happy, then his award would be….

Right now, he himself, loved award the most!

The Cheng’s had prepared a ma.s.sive quantify of mystical rice, but theywere still split into six portions, each being 20,000 dan. That wasobviously prepared with only the power players in mind. That had finallyenraged the unaffiliated.

A 50-something martial king, with his veins throbbing on his forehead,shouted angrily, “This is unfair!”

Old Man Ying, who was just about to auction off the rice wasinterrupted. He didn’t snap right away as he was still in a happy mood. He justlooked at hi coldly ad said, “What you shouting about? Do you want me to throwyou out?”

“Senior. This is so unfair. The way you divided up the goods was justtoo unfair to us unaffiliated!” shouted the man, his face fl.u.s.tered!


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