Before the attendees blew up again, came a crisp and pleasant voice,“Aiya, Old Man Ying, are you trying to create more troubles for me?”

A beautiful image of a woman appeared at the same time; everybody lookedtoward the voice and, sure enough, standing there was the legendary MaidenCheng.

She was wearing plain, moon-colored clothing and dress, her feature fairand her skin, the color of snow. Her shiny hair floated in the wind likebranches from a willow tree.

And she was Cheng Xiao Xiao!

That name appeared inside everybody’s mind.

Under everybody’s gaze, she walked inside nonchalantly. Everybodysubconsciously stood to both sides to give her a path.

Gu Junxian, however, felt surprised when she appeared. He noticed thatCheng Xiao Xiao was now also a martialspiritualist. He recovered quickly and replaced his surprise with a cold smileand more hatred.

He would never forgot the insult that he had received at the Cheng’s,nor would he forgot what his mother just told him about how she was treated bythe Cheng’s. He would return the courtesy of everything back to her.

He wanted to completely destroy her reputation today. He wanted her toregret deeply for what she had done, and let her know that he never should haveoffended anyone but him, Gu Junxian.

As everybody looked on, Cheng Xiao Xiao walked in front of Old Man Yingand a more surprised scene unfolded in front of everyone.

“Hehe, Miss, you are home. I got a lot of mystical stones today. I amsure you will be pleased, Miss!”

Old Man Ying told from the G.o.d of winter to a playful old man in frontof her in no time flat. More surprisingly, this elder of the Cheng’s wasfawning over Maiden Cheng, his adulation unmistakable!

“Ah, excellent, good work!” smiled Cheng Xiao Xiao, pleased.

“Hehe, Miss, don’t you worry, I’ll get you more!”

“Good, you work on that!”

The conversation between the two of them have everybody speechless. Whatwere they saying now? But n.o.body said a word except to watch things unfold infront of them.

The elder of the Emperor City Cheng’s couldn’t believe his eyes as helooked at Cheng Xiao Xiao. She looked about the same as how he’d rememberedher, but the aura she exuded had changed entirely. One could even say that shewas like a whole different person!

Was this truly Cheng Xiao Xiao standing in front of him?

He wasn’t the only one who had that thought in his mind. On his otherside was Gu Gaoyi, he was equally surprised and in shock when he saw Cheng XiaoXiao. In his memory, Cheng Xiao Xiao wasn’t bad looking, but she was especiallytimid. Coming from a prominent family, she not all that outstanding of aperson.

Cheng Xiao Xiao didn’t care about anyone there, her beautiful eyes sweptacross all those sitting on the chair and discovered some one who stronglyresembled the G.o.d of longevity. She was a bit surprised; she had no idea who hewas, but she felt that he was someone who should not be overlooked.

Just a quick glance at the man and she walked in front of her own fatherand curtsied to him, “Dad, I am back!”

“Xiao Xiao, where did you go so early in the morning?” asked ChengBiyuan in a loving tone.

Being asked by her father, Cheng Xiao Xiao casually replied him, “Dad, Iwent into the mountain and found a iron-armed bear that is sentient. I went toplay with him!”

An iron-armed bear?

Everybody presence gasped. And a sentient one at that? That’s at least alevel 7 or 8 mystical beast. For this continent, that was an extremely raremystical beast.

At that very moment, everybody recalled her status as a master beasttamer.


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