The conversation between these two perked everybody’s ears.

“Little girl, I heard that you taught the kids from my school a lesson awhile ago!” said the old dean with a smile.

“That’s right!” blinked Cheng Xiao Xiao, freely admitted to what hadhappened. “Yes, I have them chopped woods for me for a few days. Of course,they will still have to purchase their own food. Are you here to pick on me?”

“HOHOHO….” The old dean couldn’t help but to chuckle. He has met a youngwoman so interesting for a while. Stroking his beard, he said, “They have beentoo presumptuous and could use a lesson. No, I am not here to pick on you.”

“Oh good!” Cheng Xiao Xiao broke into a smile. She was a little worrythat that was the purpose of his visit.

The a.s.sociate dean and the two instructors from School of Divine Condordidn’t know whether to laugh or cry from the conversation between Cheng XiaoXiao and the dean. At the same time they were also quite surprised that thedean, who has always been a stern person, would be so chatty with this youngwoman.

They glanced at the young woman next to Cheng Biyuan and couldn’t helpbut feel a bit envious. After all, not everyone had the chance to chitchat withthe dean, not even them.

“Okay, so I am not here to pick on you, but you can’t be stingy with useither. How’s that sound?” The old dean started to barter.

“Stingy?” Cheng Xiao Xiao covered her mouth and smiled at the old man.She knew what he had in mind, “Oh, Dean, how could you call me stingy. Didn.o.body brought you fruit? Iced team? Should I ask them to bring some overimmediately?”


The dean’s smile almost froze on his face. But another look at the youngwoman how’s looking left and right, he couldn’t help but busted out laughing.This young woman was certainly very crafty.

All the others were speechless too. How dare she beat around the busheven with the dean!

The others who wanted to barter with her all kept their mouths shut;they didn’t want to be put on the spot.

While they were engaging on chitchatting, Old Man Ying had alreadyfinished auctioning the mystical rice as well as the mystical vegetables. Theirearnings would be sizeable today.

Seeing that all the items that everyone was familiar with were gone;everybody was anxious to find out if the Cheng’s still had something up theirsleeves. Everybody was hopeful!

Old Man Ying did not disappoint. He banged the gavel several times againand announced, “The last item at this public sale, 100 mystical herbs, splitinto 10 portions of 10 each. Starting price is 800 mystical stones!”

“Mystical herbs?? The Cheng’s have mystical herbs??”

“Oh boy! Am I hearing this correctly? The Cheng’s are auctioningmystical herbs?”

“Mystical herbs? How is that possible? We never noticed any herbs aroundthe Cheng’s!”


Doubts, surprises, disbelief, astonishment… all sorts of ruckus startedall over again!


Old Man Ying used the gavel to express his annoyance directly. Coldly,he said, “Silence! If I said we have mystical herbs, naturally we have mysticalherbs. We didn’t need to let you know beforehand. If you don’t want to bid,feel free to leave. It’s the last item anyway.”


Everybody looked at each other and kept their mouths shut. Silence wasrestored.

However, those who were sitting down couldn’t remain calm any longer.The Cheng’s had mystical herbs! These items were way too important! They couldsave lives at the right time!

The most important part was that none of them were able to grow them. Onthis continent, with the exception of those from the Valley of Alchemist,n.o.body else could successfully grow any mystical herbs. So n.o.body was able tocome into possession of any mystical herbs!


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