Old Man Ying was stuck at mid-level martial emperor, but not only was heable to break through from mid-level martial emperor to apex martial emperor,he was able to break through all the way to martial monarch. And all thesehappened just yesterday!

Everybody felt the stirring yesterday while they were in town of Daling;they just didn’t expect it was from a martial emperor breaking through tomartial monarch. Had they know that was the reason, they would have definitelyrushed over in order to witness that!

What a missed opportunity!

Mo Xuanzun, on the other hand, has the status that called for therespect of every cultivators. Even though he was not that old, but he commandedthe utmost respect of every cultivator.

Not to mention that Mo Xuanzun’s cultivation level was absolutelystartling. n.o.body expected that this genius mathematician already had thecultivation level of a martial king. He was certainly a beast of a differentkind!

“Greetings, Grandmaster and Nun!” Cheng Xiao Xiao nodded at them andsmiled.

And Zhu Xiangyu, the last of the group, cupped his hands and greetedthem, “Genius mathematician, Maiden Cheng!”

“Eh? You are still here?” Saying that to him had already became a habitof hers whenever she ran into this person.

“Maiden Cheng, I haven’t even completed my transaction with my familyyet, and you are already sending me away?” smiled Zhu XIangyu bitterly.

When Mo Xuanzun overheard the conversation, he immediately chimed in,“Okay, you are allowed to stay for one night, you may take off early tomorrow!”


Everybody who were there couldn’t help but chuckled, except for youngmaster Zhu Xiangyu, who could do nothing but shook his head and sighed.

Even Cheng Xiao Xiao was amused by Mo Xuanzun’s comment, she gave him acoquettish glance. Her enchanting looked made the genius mathematician feltlike he was on cloud nine.

Everybody filed back into Old Man Ying’s room still laughing.

The group sat down around the table and immediately a new round oficed-teas were served by the maids. After one sip of the tea, the old deansmiled and said to Cheng Xiao Xiao, “Little maiden Xiao Xiao, little had weknown that you are a like book that n.o.body could read. It was certainlydifficult to see though you!”

“Senior Dean, what are you trying to say here? Why do I have the oddfeeling that you are just digging a hole and waiting for me to jump inside?”Cheng Xiao Xiao frowned and looked at him, alert.

When everybody heard that, they all smiled without saying a word.

Mo Xuanzun looked up, glanced at the old dean and said, “Xiao Xiao, hewouldn’t dare!”

“Ugh…” The old dean was almost speechless in front of the two juniors.Helplessly he shook his head, “Both you are difficult. Obviously, it was youtwo who set the trap and waited for me to jump inside, and you are saying thatI was the one who was doing it?”

“Well, that’s just the way it should be!” nodded Mo Xuanzun withoutskipping a beat.

Everybody else was trying hard not to laugh out loud all over again.Even the old monk couldn’t help but showed a small smile. He quite enjoy seeingthe old dean being speechless in front of the two younglings.

“Okay, you are are….” The old dean had to search for his words, “Okay, Iwon’t ask too many questions. Just two, okay?”

“Well, don’t force yourself if you don’t want to ask me any questions.No need to give yourself a hard time!” said Cheng Xiao Xiao casually.

Mo Xuanzun looked at the old dean and seconded Cheng Xiao Xiao’sopinion, “Xiao Xiao was right!”

“……” The old dean opened and closed his mouth, but couldn’t find anywords!


Old Man Ying busted out laughing and the rest chuckled with him.

Boisterous laughter rang throughout the building all of a sudden.

The old dean didn’t know what to do with the two juniors in front ofhim. He decided to just skip to the chase and asked point blank, “Young maidenXiao Xiao, how were you able to help Old Man Ying broke through from martialemperor to martial monarch?”


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