
Meeting their gazes, Cheng Xiao Xiao frowned and said, “I think I knowwhat Old Man Ying is thinking about but I really can’t share that right now.Let me look into it some more first!”

“Xiao Xiao, you really can make it happen?” Even Mo Xuanzun wa.s.surprised this time.

“Like I said, I can look into it, but I can’t promise anything!”

“Maiden Cheng, how much time would you need? We will wait for youranswer. No, we will wait no matter how long that will take!” Shouted NunSaochen urgently.

The old dean and Grandmaster Wudao nodded. They have placed all theirhopes on her.

Cheng Xiao Xiao was speechless. If entering the dimension is arequirement to breaking through, she wonder if they’d all be willing to do so.

“Okay, that’s up to you. But, remember to pay for room and board of fivemystical stones a day!” Cheng Xiao Xiao wasn’t about to let them stay at herplace for free.

“No problem!”

“Maiden Cheng, don’t worry. We won’t cheat you out of your fees!”

“Little Miss Xiao Xiao, haven’t you earned enough mystical stones? Whyare you still so frugal?”

The three of them reacted differently to her request. Only young masterZhu did not express much. Maiden Cheng had made it abundantly clear last timethat she’d be charging room and board the next time he stayed over.

“Maiden Cheng, does genius mathematician have to pay too?” asked ZhuXIangyu abruptly.

Before Cheng Xiao Xiao could say anything, Mo Xuanzun’s eyes sparkledand with a gentle smile he said, “What mnd is Xiao Xiao’s and what’s XiaoXiao’s is mine. Does Zhu XIangyu had any problems with that?”


He glanced over at Zhu XIangyu with eyes deep like a pond of water.Then, he smiled at the girl next to him; his smile was resembled ripples in thepond and he said, “Xiao Xiao, Zhu XIangyu is one of the richest person in theworld. I don’t think we are being respectful to their wealth by charging him amere five mystical stones a day. What say we charge him fifty mystical stones aday when he stays over at our place in the future, what do you think?”

“Okay, sounds good!” said Cheng Xiao Xiao as she smiled and nodded.Then, suddenly, she noticed something in his words and she blurted outimmediately, “What do you mean by our place? This is my place!”

“Minor details, minor details. Collecting mystical stones is way moreimportant to us!” fawned Mo Xuanzun immediately.

Young master Zhu XIangyu’s face was black like the bottom of a wok! Oneof them was bad, the other was worse. The two of them together would wreckhavoc in the world!

He decided that he’d avoid going there in the future at all cost.Otherwise they’d suck him dry in no time!

“Hrm, okay, that’s better!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao decided to drop the subject. Looking at Old Man Ying,she said, “Give me the mystical stones that we have collected today. I needthem!”

“Yes, Miss!”

He fished out two dimension rings and handed over to Cheng Xiao Xiaorespectfully.

After receiving the dimension rings, Cheng Xiao Xiao asked everyone onelast time before she takes off, “Do you have any other questions? If not, makeyourself comfortable!”

“Maiden Cheng, we need to get the quant.i.ty of what we can purchase fromyou!” Zhu XIangyu had no choice but to ask.

The old dean chimed in, “He is right, Maiden Cheng, our bamboo stickshave ‘2’ and ‘8’. Little Miss Xiao Xiao, you need you to name a quant.i.ty!”

“Ugh, okay!” Cheng Xiao Xiao nodded and looked at the man standing nextto her, “Old Man Ying, how much do we have left in the storage area?”

“Not that much. We can always get more mystical water. We don’t have alot of other items left; they won’t be able to get much!” replied Old Man Ying.


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