[This is also ch 334 because I messed up the numbering of my chapters earlier on. It is not a repost and it"s the start of a new raw chapter.]

“Oh, not much. I just feel that this Xiao Xiao lad is quite peculiar!”smiled Zhou Jinjiang. He did not share his true feelings.

Cheng Biyuan knew that his daughter possessed the dimension, whichwould, in turn, make her seem peculiar to those who didn’t know the truth. Hesmiled too and said, “Xiao Xiao has her encounters. I am happy as long as she’ssafe.”

Zhou Jinjiang nodded as though he was still pondering about something.

“My Lord, with regards to building the moat around Qing’an Province, Ifeel it’s best if we expand around the original official state. That way itwon’t cost us as much in terms of resources and manpower.”

“About this….”

Thinking about it for a little bit, Cheng Biyuan said slowly, “We won’tbe moving to anywhere else and we have already build our residence here. Ithink as far as the moat is concerned, there’s no need to be too formal.Afterall, the residences of Qing’an Province aren’t particularly well off.Let’s put this matter on hold for the time being.”

“We can’t just not do it!” Zhou Jinjiang smiled bitterly, “You were madeCount Zhongyuan by the emperor directly. We can’t deny your new status and amoat must be built, a moat that belongs to none other than Count Zhongyuan. Inaddition, this is not the right location for a n.o.bleman. This location is onlygood as the headquarter of a sect.”

He paused at this point and looked at Cheng Biyuan. Smiling, he said,“You aren’t short on money. C’mon, Lord, n.o.body will believe that!”

“HO HO HO!” laughed Cheng Biyuan. “You are right, others don’t thinkthat we will need money. But we need money for everything. Not that mentionthat Xiao Xiao needs her mystical stone, when it comes to this, we can’t touchher resources!”

“That is true!”

Zhou Jinjiang had no idea why Cheng Xiao Xiao need such a large quant.i.tyof mystical stones. But it was sufficient as long as she could continue toprovide what seemed to be an endless supplies of mystical animals and mysticalrice etc, etc.

While the two of them were planning the future direction of the Cheng’sin the study, Cheng Xiao Xiao, who was finally able to lose her stalker,summoned little Yuteng back from her play time.

“Oh, so many mystical stones!” Little Yuteng couldn’t help but torejoice when she saw the upward of 50,000 or so mystical stone piled into asmall mountain. The ironed arm bear was not shy about grabbing them straight upwith started shoving them into his mouth, making loud crunching noises.

Cheng Xiao Xiao, standing next to it, rolled her eyes incredulously,“Little bear, how are you just eating them directly?”

“Roar!” responded the ironed arm bear to her question and continuedfeasting on the stones as those they were some sort of yummy snacks. Cheng XiaoXiao watched on speechlessly.

“Hehe, Young Mistress, don’t worry. The little bear will be fine!”smiled little Yuteng.

Cheng Xiao Xiao shook her head helplessly and said, “Okay, littleYuteng, do your thing. What do we do with these?”

Little Yuteng had been fully in charge of the operations of thedimension; all Cheng Xiao Xiao had to do was to stand by and observe.

“Young Mistress, I don’t know how much more mystical stones will thecrystal fruit tree require. I plan to split up the stones – half to level upthe dimension and the other half for the crystal fruit tree, what do youthink?” Little Yuteng shared her idea.

“Sure! Whatever you say!”

Once she got her confirmation, her little arms started dancing in theair. A portion of the mystical stones, under the guidance of her arms, startedto swirl. It swirled faster and faster until it became a hurricane.


The ironed arm bear, who was happily feasting away, was agitated all ofa sudden. All the mystical stones that were in front of him were gone and heroared ferociously at little Yuteng.

Looking at how clumsy he was, Cheng Xiao Xiao chuckled and said, “Bepatient, little bear. I will bring you some more in a little bit!”


The ironed arm bear finally calmed down after hearing that there wouldbe more stones. But it still bore its teeth at little Yuteng to show itsdiscontent.


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