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1) - Story about a fox demon transmigrated into a novel as the villain"s contract lover who tried to survive to the end of the contracted period and get out with her haul.

2) - A flower demon transmigrated into a novel as the male lead"s wife and faceslapped others with her magical ability.


The First Elder thought about it for a bit and added, “Okay, perhapsleave one or two that he cares about; otherwise it’d still be problematic if hedisobeys us in the future!”

“Yes, First Elder!”

“And you guys, stop focusing only on cultivating and indulging; pay moreattention to what was going on in the outside world and be less ignorant!”

“Yes, First Elder!”

All the elders got up and bowed to the First Elder respectfully.


With a twist of his body, he was gone from the hall.

When he reappeared, he has arrived at a building within the forbiddenregion of the Cheng’s residence.

The First Elder was the only person allowed in this area. n.o.body else,including the current Cheng’s Housemaster was allowed to step foot inside here.Anyone who tried to enter this area without permission would be killed on site!

Several younger generations of the Cheng’s had already been killed forthis very reason, yet n.o.body dared say a word. n.o.body dared to step on theFirst Elder’s toes.

He entered into a small building and saw a beautiful woman sittinginside the reception pavilion. She was clothed in light green palace outfit, roughlyaround 30 or so years old. Her beautiful face still very fair, as though timehas no effect on her.

If Cheng Biyuan was here, he’d be shocked. The stunningly beautifulwoman sitting right here right now was his mother – Fang Shuyun, the one thathas supposedly been beaten to death by his father.

“HOHO, not bad. You looked good today!” said First Elder with a bigsmile as he walked over and brought her into his arms. His shriveled-up palmrunning up and down her tender and beautiful face.

Fang Shuyun only sat there like a puppet, showing no reactions to histouch. Even her beautiful eyes were listless, no signs of activities.

“Shuyun, I got more news on your precious son, do you want to hear about.i.t?”

The words “precious son” seemed to have stirred up something in her butquickly she returned back to her original state.

The First Elder did not notice the change in her, his hand had movedonto other parts of her body. He smiled and continued, “Your precious son wasquite lucky. Back when all his cultivation was wiped, he was saved by the deanof School of Divine Condor. And now? He was a martial king. He is the son of myprecious Shuyun afterall, such incredible talent. HOHOHO…”

Fang Shuyun remained motionlessly like a wooden statue. Yet her fingernailshidden inside her sleeves had dug deep into her palm without being detected.


Calling out her name, the First Elder gripped her chin. He lookedintently at her with a smile on his face and said, “Do you know, that precious granddaughterof yours is all grown up too. I’ve heard that she was fond of the youngestgenius mathematician of Temple of Divine Plans. That was quite something. I betshe was as stunning as you, how else could she have scored someone from Templeof Divine Plans? Tsk tsk, what a shame. I shouldn’t have let her go way backwhen. I should have kept her here so both of you could be here to serve me,wouldn’t that be nice, huh? HAHAHAHAHA…”


“Shuyun, how come you are not talking? I thought you love hearing newsabout your precious son? How come you don’t talk anymore when I tell you abouthim, hmm? Do you think that now that your son has made it, he will come andsave you? Shuyun, I certainly hope you are not that naïve. Let me get lay thisout for you, everybody thought you are dead, including your precious son. Hewouldn’t know you are here, you get that?”




The stoned beauty just listen to him quietly, making no sounds ormovements.

After laughing for a quite a while, the smile was gone from the FirstElder’s face and replaced with a ferocious look. He stared viciously at her andsaid, “Shuyun, you belong to me and n.o.body can take you away from me. Do youhear me? So what if your son is now a martial king? If he dare shows up infront of me, I will squish him like an ant and kill him effortlessly. Hrm!”



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