“You can tell me right now!”

“Stop talking, let’s go!”

The two hopped onto their individual mystical beast and left WillowVillage immediately.

In order to save the people, the two headed toward Mocheng Province andlittle Yuteng appeared and sat on Cheng Xiao Xiao’s shoulder. When Mo Xuanzunsaw that he wanted to hop over to her and really study the little human.

Smiling, little Yuteng toyed with the fly swatter in her hand, whichmade Mo Xuanzun wanted to get close to her even more.

At the same time, a letter arrived at the Palace of Immortal Beast up onthe snowy mountain. The recipient of the letter, Gong Zixuan, laughed so hardthat tears were rolling down her face. Mrs. Gong and Jun-er were both verycurious what was said in the letter to make Gong Zixuan lost her form.

“Miss, what is going on?” Jun-er didn’t ask to read the letter; shedirectly asked about the content of the letter.

Mrs. Gong looked at her daughter with a slight smile and asked tenderly,“Xuan-er, what did your shi xiong Mo write about that made you laughedso heartily?”

“Mom, this was too funny. Just like I have said before, shi xiongMo and sister Xiao Xiao were meant for each other!” Gong Zixuan covered hermouth with her hand but still couldn’t stop smiling as she spoke.

“Oh yeah? What happened? Are they a couple now?” Mrs. Gong was a bitsurprised.

Jun-er’s eyes widened and asked in disbelief, “Miss, are you serious?Mr. Mo really fell for Miss Cheng?”

“True indeed. Plus, turned out that shi xiong Mo had already metsister Xiao Xiao before he visited us last. He just didn’t know that she wa.s.sister Xiao Xiao. Hi didn’t realize that the one he had been longing for thisentire time was sister Xiao Xiao. That was just too funny!”

“Oh!” Miss Jun-er let out a small cry.

Mrs. Gong was a bit surprised and asked, “Xuan-er, you mean Mo Xuanzunhad already met Cheng Xiao Xiao in the past?”

“Yes, mom. Shi xiong Mo had ran into sister Xiao Xiao at the oldresidence of shi bo1 Mo and shi shen2 Mo in Plum Valley. At thetime sister Xiao Xiao was injured by some unknown person and shi xiong Mo saved her.”

“Oh? I didn’t think there would be such a back story between them!” smiledMrs. Gong, “So what is Mo Xuanzun’s plans going forward.”

“He thought was to have shi bo Mo and shi shen Mo to makea trip to Willow Village to meet sister Xiao Xiao!”

“Oh, he was quite serious then. This Cheng Xiao Xiao is quite lucky!”smiled Mrs. Gong. Suddenly, she casted a sideway look at her precious daughterand asked, “Xuan-er, you sure you are okay giving up on Mo Xuanzun?”



1.Brother of one’s master (as in teacher)

2.Wife of said brother


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