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Cheng Xiao Xiao was quite aware of the situation the family wasin. They were just starting out, if they really have to take on those gossipywomen, they would only bring about bigger problems. So she would have to holdback for now.

“Ay, Xiao Xiao, it was all our fault. Otherwise, you should belooking for a husband right now!” Mrs. Cheng was filled with guilt. Herdaughter was at the age of looking for a husband, but there was no suitablefamily around. And after the insult of those obnoxiously mean women, she felteven more guilty.

“Mom, don’t say such things!” Cheng Xiao Xiao frowned lightly. Shehad no interest in looking for a husband so soon. She was only 16, back in herold life, she’d still be a kid going to school.

She saw herself as a child, but Mrs. Cheng thought otherwise. Butwith the current situation at home, there was nothing she could do. Sadly, sheresigned, “Xiao Xiao, mom will find you a nice family.”

“Mom, no rush. Really!” Cheng Xiao Xiao smiled and said, “Mom, Iam going to start cooking lunch. We are having braised fish today!”

“Okay!” Mrs. Cheng understood that her daughter had no interest incontinuing with this topic, so she stopped.

In the afternoon, the family enjoyed a serving of deliciousbraised fish. As expected, the three young ones screamed in joy. The two largefish was picked clean. Mrs. Cheng looked at the happy smiles on her sons anddaughter and smiled herself.

After lunch, the sibling didn’t even take a break before theycalled the dogs and ran out to play. After Cheng Xiao Xiao had finished thedishes, there was no one to be seen.

After walking outside and hearing the voices of her sibling fromthe back of the house, Cheng Xiao Xiao walked over there and saw them playingaround the well and her color changed.

“Zheng Yuan, Zheng Bin, Lan Lan, you guys come back now!”

“Big sister!”

“Big sister, you are here!!”

“Big sister, how come you came too?”

The three young ones all started talking at the same time,especially when they saw her worried and upset look, the three of themexchanged looks, and all looked down from now.

“You guys want to die? Do you know how deep this well is? If youfall in you won’t be able to climb out of it. This is not like the riveroutside, you can’t drown in that!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao was angry and upset. She dragged the three of themaway from the well. She was deadly afraid of them falling inside. At the sametime, she regret not thinking about adding a fence or something around it tokeep the young ones away from it.

“Big sister, what are you worried about? Big brother knows kung fu. He will come sae us!” SaidZheng Bin begrudgingly.

Little Lan Lan chimed in in the midst of all this, “Big sister, don’tworry. Big brother is here too, he won’t let us fall inside!”

“Shut up!” Shouted Cheng Xiao Xiao angrily.

They have never seen their big sister so angry before, the twoyoungest ones looked as though they have been scolded unjustly. Pouted, they didn’tsay anything else. Cheng Xiao Xiao gazed more time angrily, then focused on theolder brother, “Did you bring them over here?”

“Big, big sister, I am sorry!” Cheng Zheng Yuan was alreadythirteen. Seeing how angry their big sister was, he apologized right away.

Cheng Xiao Xiao was still angry and continued to scold him, “Didyou think you are invincible knowing that little bit of kung fu? If either one of them fall into the well, not even dadcould save them, let along you. You think are you so brave to take them here!”

Her austere words made Cheng Zheng Yuan too afraid to reb.u.t.t. Heknew he shouldn’t have taken the younger sibling there.

“Big, big sister, please don’t be mad any more.” Little Lan Lantugged on her sleeves with her puppy eyes. “Big sister, it’s all Lan Lan’sfault. Lan Lan asked big brother to take her over here. Will you please forgivebig brother?”


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