All the villagers stayed for dinner after they have visited ChengBiyuan. Cheng Xiao Xiao took the opportunity to treat them to their whiteradishes, bok choy, chickens, and rabbits.

The dinner table was filled with food. The Cheng’s generositypleased everybody there. They now truly view the Cheng’s as part of thevillage. A few men there further slapped their chest and promised that theywould even help the Cheng’s plough their fields in a few days and hoped thatthey will have a good harvest as well.

This was definitely a good investment. At the same time, thevillagers had accepted the change with the Cheng’s family. Even though theydidn’t know where all the food came from, n.o.body really seemed to care to findout.

Before Patriarch Liu took off, Cheng Xiao Xiao asked to borrow theox-drawn wagon and Liu accepted right away. In any case, they were onlyborrowing for half a day, it was not an inconvenience for them.

After seeing the villagers off, Mrs. Cheng sighed and asked herdaughter, “Xiao Xiao, should we postpone our trip to the marketplace?”

“Mom, don’t worry. We have lots of inventory, we can get tens oftael of silver!” She knew what her mother was worried about.

Mrs. Cheng didn’t disagree with her, she just said lightly,“Okay!”

That night, Cheng Xiao Xiao had Yuteng cloned the rest of the ricefields. Since she hadn’t been collecting any new specimens, the dimensionhadn’t been leveling up. But the items from the current level weren’t shabby.Just as Yuteng had said, the higher level the dimension was, the more difficult.i.t was to level up. It would be quite difficult to level up without somespecial and valuable items.

At the same time, after Yuteng’s explanation, Cheng Xiao Xiaounderstood that the mythical animals and produces from the dimension were ofmuch higher quality than those from the outside world. They were beneficial toone’s health. If you consume them on a regular basis, they would even improveone’s health and extend one’s life. If the family weren’t so poor, she’d neversell any of them. Once the dimension hit level 50, she would start using thegold from the dimension and wouldn’t have to worry about money again.

After they have borrowed the wagon, Cheng Xiao Xiao got out 30chickens, 50 rabbits, 20 fish, and 150 jin rice from the dimension to take themarketplace.

All the little ones climbed into the wagon and the five of themheaded to town again. Just as they were arriving at the marketplace, Mrs. Chengasked her oldest daughter, “Xiao Xiao, should we go look for the innkeeperagain?”

“Yes, let’s go look for the innkeeper. We have too much goods. Idon’t think we will e able to sell them all in the marketplace. Let’s go seehow much the innkeeper will buy!” Cheng Xiao Xiao felt that it would be betterto sell everyone all at once. That way they wouldn’t attract too much attentionand wouldn’t be time-consuming.

Once the mother and daughter had agreed on the course of action,they rode the wagon to the front of the inn. Cheng Xiao Xiao hopped out of thewagon and walked straight inside the inn.

Right after she appeared, the server who was about to greet herstopped in his steps. His smile slowly melted away; she could tell Cheng XiaoXiao wasn’t a customer and didn’t want to bother greeting her.

Cheng Xiao Xiao smiled nonchalantly and didn’t engage him. Theinnkeeper, who was focused on the accounting books, seemed to have noticedsomething unusual and stopped what he was doing. He looked up and saw the girlwalking toward him. He paused for a bit and quickly remembered the girl infront of him. A delighted look appeared on his face, he walked up to her andasked, “Miss, you come to sell food again?”

“How you are doing, Mr. Innkeeper? Yes, I came to see if you arestill interested in buying my food!” Cheng Xiao Xiao smiled.

“Yes, yes, of course!” The innkeeper nodded violently. He hadn’tforgotten the order from the young n.o.bleman, that he was to buy everything shehas for sale and send them to him.


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