“Dad, are these uncharted territory?” asked Cheng Xiao Xiao asthey walked on.

“You are exactly right. This ancient forest goes way deep, thebeasts here are very powerful and had many different herbs. At the same time,these aren’t beasts that you everyday hunters can handle. I have only been herea few times. After all, we are just hunting for food, any wild animals will do,there is no need to come here to battle these vicious beasts.”

“Dad, have you seen mythical beasts?”

“Mythical beasts? The vicious beasts here can be considered asmythical beasts. They are more vicious and smarter than your normal beasts.Granted, if anything, they are on the lower end of the scale. I have heard thatmythical beasts at the highest end can transform into human form. But these arelegends, I have only heard of them.”

“Oh, so what’s the strongest mythical beast that you haveencountered like?”

“The strongest mythical beast? The strongest mythical beast that Ihave seen was more powerful than a level 10 martial master!”

“Martial artist? Dad, what is a martial master?”

“Those who cultivate has different levels – martial apprentice,martial scholar, martial master, martial spiritualist, martial king, martialemperor, and martial monarch. Martial emperor and martial monarch only exist inlegends. The strongest martial artists in Dafeng Country are merely martialking.”

The two chatted as they walked on and Cheng Xiao Xiao learned moreas they go. She didn’t expect that each of these category further subdividedinto ten levels, similar to that in her old novels.

From her father’s words, she learned that he was only a martialscholar before. But Yuteng’s healing power allowed him to achieve martialmaster. A martial master was already pretty high up in terms of ability inDafeng Country.

After four hours of walking, Cheng Biyuan stopped. Looking at themountain range in front of them, quietness surrounded them. Yet a surge ofviciousness came at them from afar.

This was Cheng Xiao Xiao’s first time experiencing the magnificentof high mountains. She looked afar and saw clouds, fog, and all the mountainsjoining together. The vegetation was thick, and old, ancient trees rising upinto the sky. In the midst of the fog, one could almost make out the roaring ofvicious beasts.

“Xiao Xiao, are you afraid?” asked Cheng Biyuan with a smile.

Cheng Xiao Xiao smiled, “No, not with you around!”

She was somewhat b.u.t.tering up to her father, but that aside, herfather was a martial master and she has the dimension. There was nothing to beafraid about. Not to mention that little Yuteng was closeby, her safety wasmore or less guaranteed.

“Good, then let’s go!” Cheng Biyuan had a bright smile. Cheng XiaoXiao’s b.u.t.tering up had worked wonders.


The two of them walked deeper into the mountain ranges.


A strange noice and Cheng Biyuan stopped in his steps. A bright,silvery light came bearing down from an ancient wood like a metal arrow!

“Be careful!”

A low cry from Cheng Biyuan and Cheng Xiao Xiao ducked to oneside. She saw her father reached out and caught the silver bolt with twofingers right before it reached his face.


A small, long, and silver snake curled around the father’sfingers. It let out a piercing noise but it couldn’t attack with it’s headbeing stuck between the fingers.

“Xiao Xiao, this is silver jade snake. It likes to hide and attackpeople from inside the tree. It looks soft but it’s hard like steel. It’sequivalent to a level three martial apprentice. But it’s most deadly weapon wasits poison from it’s mouth. They are very toxic, even a little bit can kill aperson. Do you want it inside the dimension?” Cheng Biyuan gave Cheng Xiao Xiaoa brief explanation of the snake.

Cheng Xiao Xiao figured she already had a bandit krait, what’sanother silver jade snake? She nodded, “Dad, let met collect it into thedimension. It could make a good a.s.sistant!”

“Up to you!”

Little Yuteng flashed out, waved her arm, and the silver snakeddisappeared from inside Cheng Biyuan’s grip.


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