As Ko Yang articulated his purpose of visit, he was very observantof Dr. Xu’s expression at the same time. Seeing that he has shown no reactions,he carried on explaining, “It has been two, three months already and my masterreally desired to have the mother and daughter’s food again. But we had no wayof finding them until recent I happened to run across you leaving town withthem. I was hoping that you will be kind enough to point me in the rightdirection.”

“So you are looking for them!” The surprised pharmacist apprenticechimed in.

He was just about to say something else when Dr. Xu gave him astare, which shut him up.

Dr. Xu turned back to Ko Yang and frowned, “I think Deacon Ko’slooking for them for more than just buying food from them!”

“What made you think that, Dr. Xu?” Ko Yang was caught off guardby that but he didn’t let it show.

Dr. Xu smiled wordlessly. He gave him a meaningful glance andsaid, “I am a doctor. I have an idea. Not to mention I have had the food fromtheir house, of course I’d look.”

“Dr. Xu….”

“Deacon Ko, let me finish!” Dr. Xu waved his hand and interruptedhim, “I understand what you mean, but, I am afraid I wouldn’t’ be able todivulge that information. If you need to locate them, you will have to do thatthrough other means. Doctor/patient confidentiality. Sorry.”

“Well, Dr. Xu, believe me, all I want is to buy food from them. Imean them no harm…”

“Then Deacon Ko can wait for them to come back to sell moregoods!”

After Dr. Xu was done saying that, he didn’t for Ko Yang torespond before he got up and went back inside as though he didn’t want to sayanything else.

Ko Yang was shocked. He didn’t understand!

The pharmacist apprentice watched all that had transpired. Therewas something he wanted to share, but he didn’t want to be scolded by hismaster so he kept his mouth shut.

Ko Yang was just about to leave when he caught sight of theapprentice. He got an idea and walked toward the apprentice. This time heproduced in front of him ten taels of silver.

Looking at the money in front of him, the apprentice’s eyeb.a.l.l.salmost fell out of his socket. He swallowed hard and looked toward the backsidethat was behind the door curtain. He looked again to the man smiling in frontof him and struggled hard.

Ko Yang could tell that the apprentice could be persuaded. Helifted his right hand and another ten taels of silver appeared. Theapprentice’s breath quickened. He had never seen so much money in his wholelife, how could he hold his ground.

A slight hesitation, he bit down hard, grabbed the paper and.i.n.kpad in front of him and quickly scribbled down three words.

The transaction has been completed. Ko Yang collected the piece ofpaper in front of him and took off!

The apprentice quickly collected the twenty taels of silver. Helooked nervous, after all he just betrayed a patient’s confidentiality. Thiswas unacceptable behavior in their profession and was looked down upon.

He was still looking nervous and guilty when Dr. Xu returned from behindthe door curtain. He immediately figured out what had happened.

“Little Shen Tang, you let me down!”

A loud cried startled the little apprentice. He just realized hewas caught red-handed by the doctor.

He turned pale, ran up, knelt and pleaded, “Mater, Shen Tang knewhe has done wrong. Shen Tang won’t do that again. Please forgive me!”

“Get out! Leave this clinic and never come back again!”


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