Before Mrs. Cheng could finish what shewas trying to say, Cheng Biyuan knew what she meant. He said in a verydecisively manner, “Yuqin, don’t think too much. It’s no use to keep hiding.Why would we want to continue to hide if we can guard what we have? Besides, doyou think our hiding had really done us any good?”

Ye,I understand that. I just don’t want to see any other misfortunes in thishouse!” Mrs. Cheng looked concerned, and her voice lowered.

Cheng Xiao Xiao didn’t understand what shewas saying, but Cheng Biyuan did. Sternly, he said, “Accident? What accident?Is it really an accident? That’s us being weak and couldn’t guard what’s ours.We had no choice but to cower and survive. Why do we have to keep hiding? Wehave the ability now? Not only are we not hiding, I want to tell everythingthat I, Cheng Biyuan, is no pushover. I will get back from them what was ours!”

“….” After the words full of anger andoppression, Mrs. Cheng nodded and didn’t say anything else.

Cheng Xiao Xiao did not take thisopportunity to ask her parents any questions. What her father said was enough.Now was not the time to find out why everything happened. When they are strongenough, they would go take back what was rightfully theirs.

Inside a room in Lai Yue1 Inn.


A clear sound of a slap resounded from theliving room, a hand print appeared on Innkeeper Zhu’s cheek. Deacon Lin had thecold look of ice, he stared at the person who dared not say a word in front ofhim with a piercing look. Coldly, he said, “We have given you three days. Youwant to go and confess your own crime or you want me to do it for you?”

“I…” said Innkeeper Zhu with a deep face,embarra.s.sed and angry, and also deeply worried. He turned to the other personfor help, “Deacon Bai, I really had no leads to their whereabouts.”

“Then you brought this upon yourself!”Shouted Deacon Lin angrily.

Deacon Bai, who hadn’t spoken a word yet,didn’t look any happier. After all, they have been here for a few days and hadnothing to show for it. It’d be lying to say he wasn’t angry. They would needto report back to their master one way or another.

Of course, he was also aware that now wasnot the time to dole out the innkeeper’s punishment. Begrudgingly, he said,“Deacon Lin, chill out. We still need him to figure something out. We won’t beable to locate the mother and daughter otherwise.

“Hrm…” Deacon Lin turned his head sideway.He understood what he said was the truth, so he didn’t say anything else.

Deacon Bai looked at the man who’s rubbinghis face and said in a solemn voice, “Innkeeper Zhu, you have been living herefor tens of years, had you really no leads at all? I urge you to try harder tolocate them. Otherwise, we aren’t the only ones who are going to get intotrouble. I am afraid our families will be dragged into this as well. Please tryto think of something else.”

“Deacon Bai, Deacon Lin, I have triedevery means I could think of. Words had it that the doctor down at the Huichun2 Clinic had been tobeen to a couple of house calls. I only he’d tell me where they are, I will beable to locate the Cheng’s.”

“b.a.s.t.a.r.d!” Shouted Deacon Lin right afterInnkeeper Zhu finished his sentence. “If you knew this all along, why didn’tyou go and ask him? Why did you waste so much time? You want to die, huh? Ifyou want to die, don’t drag us down with you!”

“It’s wasn’t that I didn’t go to him!”With a dismal look, Innkeeper Zhu recounted the story of how he was booted outof the clinic by Dr. Xu.

“Hrm. That b.a.s.t.a.r.d didn’t know any better.We will just pay him a visit tonight. We can handle an old thing like him!”



1.Literalmeaning is “Come and be Happy”

2.Literalmeaning is “Back to Youth”


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