“What kind of a suggestion?”

Meeting the puzzled look in her parents’eyes, Cheng Xiao Xiao smiled and said, “Dad, mom, what I am thinking is weshould hire someone to come and fix up the house some; otherwise, it’sdifferent to entertain guests in the future!”

“That’s a very good point, Xiao Xiao!”Cheng Biyuan looked around at the 4 straw huts plus the courtyard and sighed,“This place is quite small, not to mention that it leaks in the rain storms. Weshould plan on some remodeling.”

Mrs. Cheng didn’t say anything but sheagreed with the suggestion. After all, they hastily built these four strawhuts. After being worn down by the weather all these time, they leaked duringthe summer and windy during the winter.

“There’s no need to wait till next month.I will go look for someone from the village to come help us rebuild rightaway!” Cheng Biyuan was a man of actions, he was about to head out right away.

“Dad, hold off!” Cheng Xiao Xiao stoppedhim right away. After he stopped in his steps, she continued, “Dad, we shouldalso plan on expanding our farm, which Yuteng could do overnight. If thevillagers come help us rebuild now, I’m afraid it will raise questions. Let’shold off till we have Yuteng expand our farm!”

“Okay, whatever you say!” said ChengBiyuan, what’s another few days?

That night, after dinner, Cheng Xiao Xiaowent back inside the dimension and happened upon Yuteng harvesting from thefields. She sat in front of the cottage and watched quietly.

Even though little Yuteng was busy, butshe completed her tasks in a matter of minutes.

“Young master, what’s the matter? You lookunhappy?” Asked little Yuteng with a smile when she spotted the cheerlessCheng Xiao Xiao.

Cheng Xiao Xiao pursed her lips and said,“Not really unhappy. My dad wanted to break though to mid-level martial master.Xiao Yu1 is there anything you can do to help?”

“Just a little martial master, that’seasy. If young master let him absorb a 5,000 year old wild ginseng, he couldadvance to level 5 or 6 martial master in a day, that will put him at mid-level!”said little Yuteng casually.

“5,000 years?” Cheng Xiao Xiao didn’t knowwat to say, “Where am I going to go find 5,000 year old wild ginseng? It’s notwe are talking about bok choy that you can find all over the place. Even if wego into the mountain I’m afraid that would still be a difficult task. 5,000years, its about to turn into a fairy!”2

“Hehe, young master, you are right. 5,000year old wild ginseng can be considered panacea, but not quit to turn into afairy. It will take at least 10,000 years for it to gain intelligence.”

Little Yuteng’s commentary taught ChengXiao Xiao something new, “I see. I guess we will have the opportunity toencounter panacea in the future!”

“Hehe, young master. If you want panaceathat will be easy!”

“What do you mean?” Cheng Xiao Xiao wasdumbfounded, she gave the little fairy a sideway glance.

“Young master, you know how the dimensionis saturated with mythical air?”

“Yes, very saturated, makes one feels goodbreathing it in!” nodded Cheng Xiao Xiao, but she was still not getting herpoint, “What does the mythical air in the dimension have to do with panacea?”

“It has everything to do with each other!”Little Yuteng pointed toward a field of herb vines and said, “Young master, thetime in the dimension is several times that of the outside world. Just look atthe herbs that I have planted at the beginning, they have aged tens of yearsalready. Isn’t that impressive?”

“Tens of years?” Cheng Xiao Xiao widenedher clear eyes, her face filled with surprise.

“Yes, tens of years isn’t enough. But, Ican directly infuse the mythical air from the dimension into the desired herband accelerate it’s growth and age. I can achieve the 5,000 year old wildginseng that you need in a month if not half a month!”

“That’s wonderful!”




2.Chinesemythology that after a long time, organic matters, i.e. ginseng, can gain aspirit like that of a human and/or take on human form.


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