“That’s good to hear. Now let’s go to bed!”


The two of them didn’t exchange much before they returned to theirown quarters and went to bed.

The next morning, after breakfast and sending the three young onesto cultivate,1 Cheng Biyuan asked about what happened the nightbefore.

Cheng Xiao Xiao briefed him on the event, including the part thatthey were imprisoned by her inside the bamboo forest.

“Xiao Xiao, what are you planning on doing with them?” ChengBiyuan wanted to know what was on her mind.

“Dad, what are you thinking?”

She answered his question with another question. She, too, wantedto know his thoughts.

Cheng Biyuan cast her a glance, “We can’t kill them. More will becoming for them shortly. We will need to be able to give them an answer then!”

“I understand. We won’t kill them!” Cheng Xiao Xiao never intendedto kill them. After all, they weren’t trying to kill her family the nightbefore, just the mythical animals.

Not punishable by death, but she wasn’t going to let them offlightly either!

“Oh yeah, dad, I want to discuss something with you!” Cheng XiaoXiao remembered her intention with the bamboo forest.

“Oh yeah? What is it?”

“Dad, since the brothers like to cultivate in the bamboo forestbehind the house. I want to improve it. I heard from Yuteng that if we irrigateit with well water, the bamboo can become spiritual. That way it could enhancethe progress of cultivation!”

“Xiao Xiao, are you serious?”

Cheng Biyuan was pleasantly surprised. He knew what this meant.Cultivating at a location filled with spiritual air will enhance the speed ofprogress greatly. This he had heard of in past.

“Dad, I mean it, truly!” replied Cheng Xiao Xiao seriously.

“Great, great, great. This is awesome!” Cheng Biyuan was ecstatic.He rubbed his fist and became very ambitious, “If this works, our place willturn into sacred land. Ha ha ha ha ha…”

“Dad, don’t be so excited just yet. We have a large field ofbamboos. You think this will be easy?” Cheng Xiao Xiao couldn’t help but torain on his parade a little.

“Yes, of course it will be easy. It’s pa.s.sed seeding time, thevillagers had lots of free time. We will have some of them come to help out andpay them with food or money. A lot of them will be willing to help out!”

“Hmm, that might not be a bad idea!”2

“I’ll go look for helpers right away!”

Cheng Biyuan was a man of his words. Immediately he headed out thedoor happily.

After her father left, Cheng Xiao Xiao walked inside the kitchenand saw her mother boiling water. She walked up to her and asked, “Mom,anything I can help you with?”

“Xiao Xiao you are here. How come you didn’t go cultivate? I don’tneed much help around the house!” said Mrs. Cheng tenderly as the water boiled.

Xiao Xiao helped her mother to the stool and seated her, smilinglightly, “Mom, have me help you in the future. We don’t want you to burdenyourself!”3

“Xiao Xiao, a little bit of housework isnot a burden!”

Mrs. Cheng stared at her precious daughterand she couldn’t help but sighed again, “Xiao Xiao, dad’s health has more orless recovered fully. Now I worry about your marriage. We should ask your dadto ask about in a little bit and look for a good family for you!”

“Mom, why are you bringing this up again?”Cheng Xiao Xiao frowned light and helplessly said, “Mom, I have said it before,there are no rush. Why don’t you let meworry about that?”

“Nonsense. What do you mean let you worryabout that? These decisions are always made by the parents and the matchmaker!”4


Random translator’s note:

1.They imprisoned the bad guys same place asthe siblings cultivate? How’s that a good idea? =.=

2.Really? Isn’t the secret going to get outthen? :O

3.Isn’t the mother only in her 30s?? O.o

4.Ut oh, can you say trouble? :D


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