Mr. Cheng was but a martial master, he couldn’t have been able tofight off two martial masters. So why were they still gone? Were they hurt andthey were hiding somewhere to take care of their injuries?

What should he do? Should he go to the Cheng’s to check it out? Orkeep waiting?

All sorts of crazy ideas popped into his head. Innkeeper Zhucouldn’t focus on his business. He kept staring at the front door and hope tosee the two familiar silhouettes.

House of Ning!

Young master Ning had finally returned!

Not jus the young master Ning Xunzong had returned. He alsobrought with him two other students from the School of Divine Condor. Fromtheir arrogant manner, one could gathered that they were of high status.

But the Ning’s didn’t mind that. After all, the Ning’s was aninsignificant place to them. It was already a great honor for them to accompanyNing Xunzong’s return. The Ning’s could only do all they can to kiss up tothem.

Only old man Ning wasn’t too happy about it. However, he didn’tmake a fuss over it because of his grandson. After all, they were here asguests and there was nothing wrong to be polite to your guests.

After having the butler settle the two proud guests into the guesttower, old man Ning summoned his precious grandson into his study. The two ofthem have yet to have a real conversation.

Old man Ning asked about his days at the School of Divine Condorand Ning Xunzong described the incidents at the school in a lively manner. Helooked of both envious and respect, looking up to those from high statusfamilies and had high accomplishments in martial arts.

Old man Ning listened with a smile and did not interrupt but hesighed inwardly. Even though his grandson was a beginner martial master, but itsounded like he was just middle of the pack at the School of Divine Condor. Manyof his peers were already advanced martial master. And a few that were olderhad already achieved martial spiritualist, his grandson was nowhere close inaccomplishment.

“Grandpa, your sent words for me to come home right away. What wasthe matter? I didn’t notice anything going on with the family, so why was Isummoned?”

Ning Xunzong was puzzled. He thought something had happened withthe family so he took time off from the instructor and rushed home. He didn’texpect that nothing had happened at home.

After the question, old man Ning took a meaningful look at hisgrandson and, with a tender smile on his aged face, said, “It’s good news. Iasked you to come back because I want to match you to a good marriage!”

“What? Matchmaking? No way!” Ning Xunzong jumped up from thechair. His handsome face turned blue and white. Angrily, he said, “Grandpa,that’s no joke. I don’t want to matchmaking right now! I want to look for awoman of my choice!”

“Zong’er…” Old man Ning had not expected such a strong reactionfrom his grandson. He frowned and said, “Zong’er, let grandpa finish!”

“No, I am not listening. Grandpa, this is non-negotiable. Ialready have a lover. I don’t want matchmaking!” said Ning Xunzong loudly andlooking at his grandfather defiantly.

“Nonsense!” Old man Ning’s face dropped. Looking at the defianceand indignant on his grandson’s face, he was starting to soften.

After all, who didn’t want to marry a woman of their own choice?Even old man Ning was young once, he understand how his grandson was feeling.That being said, he didn’t want to give up on what the Cheng’s has either.

“Zong’er, you sit down first. Let grandpa tell you something!”


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