“Alright, grandpa, you let me handle this. Don’t worry about it, Iam going to entertain my two school friends now!” Ning Xunzong interrupted his grandfatherimpatiently. He stood up and started leaving the room as he said to himself, “Somesimple village girl wants to marry me? What a joke! Hrm!”

Old man Ning heard his words and frowned. He opened his mouth asthough he was going to say something, but finally didn’t make a sound.

Cheng Xiao Xiao pa.s.sed over two hill tops before she arrived infront over 10 tea leave trees. It wasn’t exactly a carpet or a sea of green,but there were many crooked branch from these trees growing in all directions.The leaves were elliptical in shape, thick and wide, a bright green that madethem looked like oil was about to drip from them.

The flat top of the trees were covered with new, ellipticalleaves. They had serrated edges and fresh like new born infants. The bright,green pointy leaves just waiting to be picked.

Pictures: tea trees

Source: plantsrescue.com

Walking up to them a hint of tea fragrance filled the air. Teatrees (also known as

“tea plants” or “tea shrubs”) belong to the Theaceae family and Camellia genusand is a species of ever green shrub. Tea trees loves warm and humid climateand prefers bright filtered light; they grow well under direct sunlight. Theyhave four different development stages: bud, seedling, mature plant, agedplant.

Cheng Xiao Xiao knew that they could be divided into spring andautumn seasons. Tea made from leaves picked in the spring time were calledspring tea, tea from leaves picked in autumn time were called autumn tea. Inlater days these were ma.s.s grown for their leaves, but back in these dayspeople still picked them from the mountains, that’s why they were veryexpensive.

Standing next to the tree plants, Xiao Xiao asked the littlefairy, “Yuteng, if we transplant all these trees into the dimension, can wehave tea leaves throughout the year?”

“Hehe, young master, why don’t we transplant them and findout?In addition to four seasons a year,the time in the dimension is accelerated1, you can have as much tealeaves as you want!”

“Wonderful. That’s great, and we will be able to sell them too!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao nodded andsmiled, “Yuteng, transplant them quickly. Then we can search for more! The morethe better!”

“Surely!” Yuteng responded and with one wave of her small hand,all the tea plants in front of them disappeared like they were never there.

After she had collected those, Cheng Xiao Xiao went looking formore tea plants as it was still light out.

Back of the Cheng’s house!

Cheng Biyuan brought back four villagers and they all lined up toget water from the well, then bring them one bucket at a time to the bambooforest and poured them onto the bamboo roots. They were all working very hard.

The villagers had no idea what was the reasoning behind this, b.u.t.they were promised one liter of rice a day so they didn’t care what the reasonwas, they just knew to work hard.

It was almost festive outside the bamboo forest, the two trappedinside the bamboo forest were miserable. They couldn’t see their surroundingclearly in the moonlight, but in board daylight, when they realized thesituation that they were in, they wanted to bang their heads against a wall.

The first thing out of the shivering Deacon Lin’s mouth was, “Whatdo we do?”



1.If time was accelerated inside thedimension, Cheng Xiao Xiao should age faster each time she went inside. XD


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