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After lunch, Cheng Biyuan started watering the bamboos with thevillagers again. The villagers were even more efficient and more driven afterlunch. One of the smiled and asked, “Brother Cheng, how come the rice at yourhouse is more delicious? Even the water from you well tastes sweeter!”

“It didn’t just taste sweeter. I was so tired before, and after afew sips of that water, I feel energized all over again! I am starting to thinkthose are sacred water from fairies!”

“Yeah, they do taste better than the well water from my house. Iwonder why?”

“Yeah, I felt the same way!”

All four of them starting talking. Cheng Biyuan listened to themwith a smile while getting water from the well before he said, “The reason isactually quite simple. I think our house is just closer to Mt. Wan An, that’swhy the spring water tastes sweeter. Nothing more.”

“Brother Cheng was right. We all got our water from the ground, weare thinking too much!” The slightly older Liu Lin Cai accepted thatexplanation.

None of the other people know what a mythical well was so,naturally, they all believed they were just overthinking it. The spring watermerely tasted sweeter here was all.

While they were busying themselves, Mrs. Cheng and the kids werestudying and learning how to read in the courtyard. Suddenly they heard thedogs barking!



“Mom, someone’s here. The dogs are barking!” Little Lan Lan wasthe first to put down her pen and ink and said to the suspicious-lookingmother.

Cheng Zheng Yuan and Chen Zheng Bin also put down their books andsaw their mother talking to herself, “Who could that be? I don’t think they areWillow villagers. Let me go check it out!”

“Mom, we want to go too!”

The young ones got up with her but Mrs. Cheng didn’t stop them.She walked out with the kids and saw 6 to 7 strangers outside.

Once she saw their outfits, she turned a little pale. She told heroldest son loudly, “Zheng Yuan, go get your dad! Quick!”

“Yes, mom!” Zheng Yuan turned and headed towards the back of thehouse without another word.

While this was unfolding, the dogs already sent the message toCheng Xiao Xiao. She didn’t even have the chance to greet Liu Danhang, who washeading up the hill, before she turned around and dashed down the hill.

A hint of hurtfulness flashed past Liu Danhang’s eyes. Standingmid-hill, and looking at the backside of the girl who suddenly turned and ranaway, he didn’t know what had changed about her. She didn’t even greet him whenshe saw him.

The pre-occupied Cheng Xiao Xiao didn’t even realized her actionhad hurt a simple-minded boy. She had forgotten to explain to him, or we shouldsay that knowing something bad was about to come down, she had no mood toexplain.

The three young masters handed their horses over to the servants.When they saw Mrs. Cheng they were slightly surprised. They noticed that Mrs.Cheng did not look like your average woman from the village, she looked morelike someone from a higher status.

Of course, none of these was important. They quickly turned theirattention to the two dogs. Shi xiong Zhoulooked them over and commented incredulously, “Interesting, very interesting.Even these two dogs are spiritual, they are almost mythical beasts!”

Shi xiong Zhou, theyare spiritual. Haven’t you noticed that the way they look at you are almosthuman-like? They are wary of us!” said shixiong Gu.

Ning Xunzong pursed his lips in despise, “My two shi xiong, they are just two dogs. Whocares if they are spiritual. We will kill them on our way out. A meal of dogmeats sounds good!”


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