Hisoldest daughter made it back!

ChengBiyuan did not hesitate, he navigated through the net of swords and got out ofher way!

Hefinally got a good look of the odd fly swatter in his daughter’s hand. He sawher swinging it gently and a strong wind blew from nowhere. Before the threecould respond, all three was blew off their feet by the fly swatter.

ChengXiao Xiao did not stop there. Suddenly the fly swatter in her hand increased tothree times its original size and aimed straight down at Ning Xunzong!

Shi xiong Zhouand Shi xiong Gu were blow away a fewhundred yards. They stumbled a bit before they could steady themselves.

Dodgingthe attack, but they were shocked by what they saw in front of their eyes. Theysaw Ning Xunzong being nailed into the ground like a stake and they were tooshocked to try to save him.

Whatkind of a fly swatter is that? Why was it so terrifying?


The NingXunzong who was nailed entirely into the ground spit out a mouthful of blood.Paled, he finally saw the girl in front of him.

Shewas about 15, 16, elegant like an orchid. Her body exudes spiritual air and herexpression cold like ice. Her eyes sparkled and, with a sharp look, staredstraight at him.

Eventhough he had never seen her before, he suddenly remembered her name – ChengXiao Xiao. The village girl that his grandfather wanted to set him up with.

Seeingher in person, he had to admit that she looked nothing like a village girl. Ifshe was wearing Divine Condor’s uniform, he would have thought she was of highstatus.

Notjust Ning Xunzong, shi xiong Zhou andshi xiong Gu were equally surprised.Not from Cheng Xiao Xiao’s beauty, but her elegance. And what’s more was thateven though she was only a level 3 novice, but she was able to forced them allback.

Could it be the fly swatter in her hand?

Upon thinking about it, they all focused theirattention on the fly swatter in her hand. Was the fly swatter some sort ofmagical item?

Cheng Xiao Xiao paid them no attention. Her attentionwas on the person climbing out of the ground. A cold, cold look condensed onher face, “You said you were going to kill my dogs? Eat their flesh? And myentire family to be your servant?”


“Youthought you could do that?” She was overcame with rage. The fly swatterappeared above his head again, and then, slammed down hard!


Hisentire body was slammed back into the ground. Ning Xunzong moaned in pain. Soilall over his head, he looked up embarra.s.singly. Blood ran down the corner ofhis mouth again. He stared at the person in front of him in disbelief.

Hecouldn’t believe he wasn’t able to dodge her strike again. Angrily he shoutedat Cheng Xiao Xiao, “G.o.dd.a.m.n you! If you care….”

“Shutup!” Another shout, another cold look flash through her eyes and she was aboutto strike him again with her fly swatter!1

ChengBiyuan, who was standing nearby was shocked too. He didn’t think his daughtercould be so fierce. She had no hesitation in beating up the guy and hadcomplete disregard of him.

“Stopright there!”

Thetwo shi xiong shouted and leapedover, swords in hand. Another strike and they fear they’d have to return withNing Xunzong’s dead body.

Facingthe two other greedy accomplices, Cheng Xiao Xiao weren’t a big fan of themeither. Squinting, a cold beam shot out from her eyes, she turned the fantoward them instead.


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