“Young master, it’s not just them. The few boys today will returntoo. You really need to work on your cultivation. Otherwise even the flyswatter won’t do you much good!”

Said Yuteng with a big smile. Speak of flies, Cheng Xiao Xiaocouldn’t help but smiled herself. She never would have thought that a flyswatter could be used as a weapon, treating humans like they were flies. What’seven better was that once the fly swatter locked onto a target, there were noway for them to escape.

Of course, there were always limitations. If they were to run intoany advanced level martial master or beyond, it would be much tougher for ChengXiao Xiao to swat them.

Everything must be backed by actual ability!

Cheng Xiao Xiao didn’t say much more. She went over and sat underthe crystal tree and started her meditation. Soon, she was surrounded byspiritual air.

Little Yuteng continued to swing her little legs on top of thecrystal tree. Her crystal clear eyes watching over the dimension. Everythingwas natural and tranquil.

The Ning’s!

Ever since early evening, everybody was running around likechickens with their heads cut off. The young master had sustained severeinjuries!

When everything has settleddown, it was nightfall. The whole family looked upset and ignore the two guestsfrom Divine Condor. For the simple reasons that they were unscathed. The onlyone injured was Ning Xunzong.

When they have heard the entire story, all the outraged folks ofthe Ning’s quieted down. n.o.body suggested to avenge right away.

Not only did they realize that they were the ones at fault; evenif they weren’t, they also realized that they were no match to the Cheng’s.

Old man Ning looked like he had aged several years. It could havebeen a wonderful thing, but it had turned into a cl.u.s.ter. And these was allcaused by his grandson. He couldn’t even go scold or strike someone.

Ko Yang felt very awful seeing the condition that old man Ning wasin. After all, he was the one who started all this, now the young master wereinjured (even though he brought that upon himself), but he still didn’t want tosee his master being so sad. He couldn’t help but say, “Master, let’s give upfor now!”

“Give up?” Old man Ning smiled bitterly. “We’ve made a mess out ofsomething good. But this is out of our hands now. The two in our guest quarteraren’t going to give up. They are going to relate the news back to those atDivine Condor!”

“Well….” Ko Yang knew what he said was true, there was nothing hecould say.

“Aye, this was my mistake. I shouldn’t have let Zong’er actedimpulsively. At least we had some relationship with the Cheng’s. Now…”

Old man Ning felt unsettled and continued to talk, “When thosefrom Divine Condor came, we would have nothing to do with the Cheng’s anymore.We have just handed this great thing away!”

“Master, had young master not come back, we might still be able topurchase mythical animals from the Cheng’s, now…”

“Now we have severed all relationships with them!” Old man Ningfinished the sentence for him. With a helpless look, “One misstep and we haveruined everything!”

While the two were talking, the two shi xiong di were writing in their own guest quarter. Not only werethey recounting the incident at the Cheng’s to the instructors at DivineCondor, they were also writing to their own, respective family!

The night was quiet!

Innkeeper Zhu was worried sick for a day and a night. Those he waswaiting for still hadn’t shown up. He gritted his teeth and with his lipsclosed he let out a strange shout.

This was a code. Not too long after that, a man in dark appearedin his room. After receiving his instructions, the man in black disappeared.

“Hopefully they can gather some news at the Cheng’s!” mumbledInnkeeper Zhu!


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