Transmigration with QQ Farm

Chapter 1 - 6 are now available!

“No problem!” replied Innkeeper Zhu, “But, MissCheng. Now that the Cheng’s is expanding, your number of servants are really onthe low end, what are your plans?”

“About this….”

Cheng Xiao Xiao shook her head, she looked at thebusy bodies at the foothill from afar and said lightly, “No matter what theissues are, I think we will have to take them one step at a time. Honestly, Iam a little bit leery about buying servants from the outside. Otherwise wewouldn’t have taken so many villagers’ kids in.”

“Miss Cheng, we can raise our own!” Innkeeper Zhubrought up his own suggestion, “Even though days are peaceful in Dafeng lately,but we all know what the truth is. Every province has those who are sellingtheir sons and daughters as slaves, these situations are especially rampant inremote locations. The Cheng’s can purchase these kids and raise them!”

“You are not wrong, Innkeeper Zhu. But, from yourperspective, do you think we have the manpower currently to tend to that?”

“Well, this…” smiled Innkeeper Zhu, a bitembarra.s.sed. “It looks like Miss Cheng already has it all figured out. It’sjust that the time is not right yet!”

“Oh, by the way, Innkeeper Zhu, I need a favor fromyou in a bit!”

“No problem at all, Miss Cheng. Just let me knowwhat I can help with!”

“After lunch, please go into the mountains with my shi xiongs and help me with a businesstransaction!”

“Business transaction?” Innkeeper Zhu was dumbfounded. Why go intothe mountains for some business transaction out of the blue?

Cheng Xiao Xiao squinted and said in a serious ton,“Yes, a business transaction. You haven’t forgotten about those from the Schoolof Divine Condor yet, have you, Innkeeper Zhu?”

“Oh, Miss Cheng means….”

“Yes, sell them their meals. Remember, they musttrade them for something. If they have nothing to offer, we are not going togive them any food. As for the price, of course it’s the more expensive thebetter!”

“Ugh…” The corner of Innkeeper Zhu’s mouth twitched.He secretly wiped away some of the sweats from his forehead and nodded, “Yes, Iunderstand!”

“Don’t worry, Innkeeper Zhu. Your hard work will berewarded. After we have reaped the profit, I will cut you in!”

“Okay, then I thank you in advance, Miss Cheng!”

Seeing that Innkeeper Zhu looked like he was about tostart crying, Cheng Xiao Xiao tried to hold back her urge to laugh. After somemore directions, she left with alacrity.

The stunned Innkeeper Zhu standing next to the pondfelt bad for those in the mountains. At the same time, he had made up his mindthat no matter who he has to offend in the future, it will for sure not be MissCheng!

After every body had lunch, Cheng Xiao Xiao arrangedfor her father’s dozen or so disciples to carry with them lunch boxes andfollowed Innkeeper Zhu into the deep mountains of Mount Wanan.

Everybody just a.s.sumed they were simply deliveringlunches for those from School of Divine Condor. Little Yuteng, on the otherhand, kept rushing Cheng Xiao Xiao to finish eating her fruits and go into themountains to find out what was going on.

After eating, Cheng Zheng Yuan did not go into themountains with the disciples. He stayed behind and talked to Cheng Xiao Xiao.In a low voice, he said, “Big sister, the people were cussing you out!”

“That’s fine, let them cuss. It won’t hurt me in anyway!” Cheng Xiao Xiao didn’t care at all. She had already offended all the youngmen of status, what’s offending them even more?

Cheng Zheng Yuan frowned, “But they are saying suchnasty things about you. I’ve already smacked a couple of them, but they arestill cussing you out in a lower volume!”

“Don’t worry about it, just smack them with the flyswatter every time you heard it. Let’s see which is more powerful, their mouthsor your fly swatter!”

“Okay!” nodded Cheng Zheng Yuan. “Their mouths stinkand they use such nasty words. Big sister, and you are still so nice to themand sending them food. If it were me, I will just starve them to death!”


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