Transmigration with QQ Farm

Chapter 1 - 6 are now available!

“Nice?” Cheng Xiao Xiao smiled, she didn’t think shewas being nice!

Mrs. Cheng happened to overhear the conversationbetween the two of them and scolded lightly, “Zheng Yuan, stop being such a kidand stop with the nonsense!”

“Mom, that’s not nonsense! They were never nicepeople to begin with, why do we have to be nice to them?” asked Cheng ZhengYuan, feeling unjust.

“You are such a child. You shouldn’t talk like that.When you go back into the mountains, remember to bring more water with you.It’s not easy to find water in the mountains!”

“Hrm! No way! Let them thirst to theam!”

“Look at you being such a child. That’s veryunbecoming. You need to learn to be more generous and stop being so petty!”

“I have enough to eat!”

Cheng Zheng Yuan didn’t want to listen to hismother’s nagging anymore so he stopped his bowl and chopsticks and skidded outof there.

Seeing that her son had run away, Mrs. Cheng turnedand look at her daughter, “Xiao Xiao, have some people send some water up intothe mountains in a bit, okay?”

“Mom, don’t worry. I’ll send water. I guaranteethere won’t be a shortage of water!” smiled Cheng Xiao Xiao brightly when shemade promises to her mother.

After a while, when Cheng Xiao Xiao finallyfinished eating, she left the house slowly. She walked inside the bamboo forestand when n.o.body was around, flashed into the dimension and have little Yutengtake her up the mountains to look for the others.

With little Yuteng’s help, they found thepeople sitting on the ground resting in no time. Even Innkeeper Zhu and the lothaven’t arrived yet. She found a tree and hid on top of it and looked downcoldly at the people.

They were indeed the students of School ofDivine Condor. They didn’t want to do the hard labor, but under the threat andencouragement of Instructor Mu, they started slaving away.

As lunch time approached, everybody wa.s.starting to get hungry. That’s when they realized all the Cheng’s already wentto lunch, but n.o.body said a word to them.

Before they could complain, an aroma fromdeliciously cooked lunches came from the foothills. They invigorated everyoneand made them feel hopeful.

After a short while, when everybody lookedon, dozens of people finally showed up in front of them. Seeing all the lunchboxes they were carrying with them, some of the students wanted to lung forwardand grab them out of their hands.

Naturally, with the a.s.sociate Dean there,even if they wanted to, they wouldn’t dare. They could just looked on and hopethat they would get their meals shortly.

Seeing everybody’s wolf-like look, InnkeeperZhu shivered. He looked at everyone with a shred of pity in his eyes. He cuppedhis hands at the white-bearded man and said, “a.s.sociate Dean, Instructor Mu,pardon me. I am here to do business with you!”


Everybody was stunned. As though theiracupuncture points were pushed, they were stoned. Their reactions madeInnkeeper Zhu and his people wanted to laugh.

When they have recovered from the shock, Mu QIngtongwas the first to shout, “Innkeeper Zhu, what do you mean by that? What do youmean doing business, huh? Aren’t you afraid of the Cheng’s?”

“Pardon me, I was here on Miss Cheng’s orders. Ifyou want food, that’s fine, but you need to give up something to trade forthem!”

Innkeeper Zhu was unphased by their vicious staresand continued, “These are food with spiritual chi; if you don’t want it, many others would kill for them. So ifyou want any, you better hurry!”


Mu Qingtong was so angry he was about to spit outblood, but there was nothing he could do about Innkeeper Zhu. He resorted tolooking at the disciples and asked, “Your master doesn’t care about thiseither?”

“Our Master don’t worry him about these matters.It’s always our shi mei who makes thecalls!”

Liu Tianshan opened up a lunchbox and the delectablerice and dishes could be seen, “Are you guys buying? If you aren’t, I can eatanother share. Our shi mei hadalready said, we can have all the leftovers, until we couldn’t eat anymore!”


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