The morning went by without them knowing. They have collected twobig bundle of firewood and nicely tied them up.

“Big sister, are we going to go catch chickens now?” Cheng ZhengBin couldn’t stop thinking about the chickens.

Cheng Xiao Xiao smiled quietly. She looked at the mid day sun, satunder a tree and wiped off her sweats. Then slowly she said, “No rush, the dayis still young. Let’s first go collect some herbs for dad. We didn’t get anyyesterday, we must bring some back today.”

Cheng Zheng Bin pressed his lips together and didn’t say anythingelse. He was quite aware of dad’s condition.

On the other hand, Cheng Zheng Yuan was baffled, “Big sister, wenever hired a doctor to check out dad. Is it okay we just collect random herbs totreat him?”

“Don’t worry, I know what I am doing!” Cheng Xiao Xiao let on a confidentsmile. She was, after all, a Chinese herbalist. Even though she didn’t haveexperience treating patients at the bedside, she was quite familiar with Chineseherbs. She knew the common herbs that were good for diffusing bruises, helpingbroken bones or nerves, and relieving both pain and swellings.

Not to mention that in an ancient forest like this, these commonherbs could be found all over. It wouldn’t be difficult for her to find what sheneeded.

Contrasting Cheng Xiao Xiao’s confidence, Cheng Zheng Yuan werestill feeling skeptical and uneasy, hesitantly he said, “But, we don’t have aprescription, nor are we familiar with herbs. Big sister, you have knowledge inherbs?”

As far as Cheng Zheng Yuan was concerned, he knew that his bigsister was literal, and helped out with a lot of housework. But he had no ideawhen she gained knowledge in herbs.

The younger Cheng Zheng Bin stared with his black eyes and bluntlyasked, “Big sister, you have never been an apprentice of a doctor, how did you learnabout herbs?”

“Eh…” Cheng Xiao Xiao didn’t expect that question and it took herby surprise, but she would need to make up something. “I have read a fewmedical journals in the past and read about herbs and their usage. We should beable to find what we need in this mountain. Besides, we can’t afford a doctorright now, so might as well collect some herbs and give that a try.”

After her explanation, the two brothers didn’t know how to respond.Neither one of them was sure whether their big sister had read medical journalsin the past. But they both feed bad about dad being badly injured and has been bed-riddensince.”

After Cheng Xiao Xiao and her brothers ate three white radishesthat she had secretly produced, she led her brothers to look for herbs in themountain.

Meehan"s mint, Szechuan lovage, nut gra.s.s, dong quai (“female ginseng”)….

Meehan’s Mint


Szechuan lovage

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Nut Gra.s.s

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Dong quai

Credit: collected more and more. The brothers collected a lot under theinstructions of Cheng Xiao Xiao. When she thought they had about enough, shecalled to her two brothers.

“Big sister, is this enough? Are these enough to cure dad? If not,I can keep picking!” Asked Cheng Zheng Yuan with a serious look and a bundle ofherbs in his arms.

Cheng Xiao Xiao collected the herbs from her brothers, resting andsorting them out, “I am not sure either, but let’s give these a try first. Ifdad starts to get better, we can always come back for more.”

“Okay! We will come and collect herbs for dad every day from nowon! We can’t afford a doctor, we will try to cure him ourselves!” Shouted ChengZheng Bin loudly.

Cheng Xiao Xiao took a look at him and smiled helplessly. She hadno heart to waiver their confidence. They can cure dad’s external wounds, butas for the rest…..


Translator"s note: The herbs sounded legit so I spent some time to look them up. :D Let me know if you think it adds to the experience so I can better gauge whether to spend time on images or translate more chapters. ;)


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