As a matter of face, she did have an order for them. Standing tensteps away, Cheng Xiao Xiao said in a deep voice, “We have acc.u.mulated somemythical beasts for sale. We were going to take them to Lai Yue Inn anywaybefore you came and ruined everything. Now you go and get some rest. Bringtaels and horse-drawn carriage tomorrow for the mythical beasts. We will tradethis one time for now. We will see about future business tomorrow.”

“Yes, Miss Cheng. We will go and prepare that right away and beback first thing tomorrow morning!” Deacon Bai was surprised and delighted, hecupped his hands and thanked her.

“Now, get!”

“We shall take off now!” said the three humbly with their handscupped. With the concealment of the bamboos, they disappeared into the bambooforest in no time.

After they left, little Yuteng appeared. c.o.c.king her head in acute manner, she said, “Young Mistress1, why did you let them go andsuggested to trade with them?”

“No choice. We have acc.u.mulated too much mythical beasts and food.Plus we are in need of cash. I have no other options!” explained Cheng XiaoXiao with a smile.

“I think we are letting them go too easily! I still wanted toteach them a lesson!”

“They are not the same as those from the Ning’s. Those from theNing’s were like bandits, they were here to rob us. These were just here towarn us, and wanted to negotiate a better deal. What they have done was not acapital offense. No need to kill them.”

“Those from the Ning’s deserve to die!” Said Yuteng unhappily. Hadshe let her appeared, she would have just smashed them and fed them to themythical beasts.

Speaking of the Ning’s, Cheng Xiao Xiao frowned. She haven’t seemthem in a few days and that wasn’t normal.


She had heard some aboutthe School of Divine Condor. If words of what has been going on in her familyhad gotten out, then representative from Divine Condor would surely show up.There would be drama in the days to come.

“I wonder when they will be coming?” said Cheng Xiao Xiao lightlywith a hint of a smile.

Little Yuteng blinked and, curiously, she asked, “Young mistress, whodo you say are going to show up. Are you talking about the Ning’s?”

“I am sure they will be back and maybe with a few others!”

“So what? If they dare bully us, we don’t need to be nice to them.With our ability, no matter how many of them come, we can take care of themeasily!”

“Ho ho ho. Right, we can feed all those baddies to the mythicalbeasts!”

“Yes, we can even save some feed!”

While the two of them chatted away in the bamboo forest, someoneelse entered from the other end and shouting as he entered, “Xiao Xiao, whereare you? Xiao Xiao, are you here?”

“Him again?” Cheng Xiao Xiao frowned upon hearing the voice. Shewasn’t happy. She has been trying to avoid him but he was here looking for her.Hasn’t he anything better to do?

“Xiao Xiao are you here? h.e.l.lo, Xiao Xiao! I want to talk to you,Xiao Xiao….”


Cheng Xiao Xiao pursed her lips and turned and walked the otherway while mumbling to herself, “You must be kidding. What is there to talkabout? If we really set it straight, I fear he would never appear in front ofothers again!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao, who hadn’t plan on going into the mountain,exited the other way and started walking toward Mount Wanan.

“Young mistress, you looking for something in the mountain?”

“I have nothing else to do. Might as well go and see if I can findanything else that can level up the dimension!”



1.I have been using “young master” as theterm is not gender specific in Chinese, but a fellow reader suggested “youngmistress” instead, so I will be using “young mistress” going forward. J


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