Chatted with the four older men for a bit,Cheng Xiao Xiao turned and walked into the bamboo forest. Liu Danhang wasn’tgoing to let this opportunity goes to waste and followed her in.

After dozens of steps into the bambooforest, one could still see the villagers retrieving water from the wellthrough the bamboos, but Cheng Xiao Xiao didn’t care. She stopped and looked atthe person who followed her in, “Okay, you can speak your mind now.”

“Xiao Xiao, you knew I had something tosay to you?” asked Liu Danhang, surprised.

“Ugh….” Cheng Xiao Xiao was speechless.That was only too obvious, but she nodded at him.

A simple smile, Liu Danhang scratched theback of his head, “Xiao Xiao is so smart!”

“What do you want to say to me?” ChengXiao Xiao looked at him, it was hard to dislike him also. She wasn’t sure what shecould do.

Liu Danhang blushed after she asked him asecond time. Shyly he casted a quick glance at her before he summoned all hiscourage and said, “Xiao Xiao, I really like you!”

“I know,” replied Cheng Xiao Xiaononchalantly, nodding.

Seeing her emotionless expression, eventhe simple Liu Danhang finally understood. He looked disappointed. His lipsmoved, but he didn’t say anything.

“I have no older siblings, just youngones. If you don’t mind, I will treat you like an older brother, what do yousay?” Afterall, Cheng Xiao Xiao didn’t want to hurt him, that was all she coulddo.

“Brother!” Liu Danhang paused and lookedat the cool Cheng Xiao Xiao. He nodded, “Xiao Xiao, I will always treat youlike a younger sister, and not let anyone hurt you!”

After saying that, Liu Danhang turned andleave. His back straight, his strides large. He walked out of the bamboo forestin no time.

Looking at him leaving, Cheng Xiao Xiaocouldn’t help but to say, “He looks foolish, but he’s smart. I hope he can findsomeone more suitable for him in the future!”

“Young mistress, he’s not that bad!” saidlittle Yuteng with a smile, appearing out of nowhere.

Cheng Xiao Xiao shook her head, “I have nofeelings for him. He’s just a friend. If I want to look for a boyfriend, at thevery least I should feel my heart beat raised and my face fl.u.s.tered when I seehim, wouldn’t you say?”

“Heart beat raised and face fl.u.s.tered?”asked the confused little Yuteng, blinking her watery eyes, “Young mistress,what kind of feeling is that? Wouldn’t that be some kind of illness?”

“Ugh…” Cheng Xiao Xiao smacked her ownforehead. Why would she expect a fairy to understand that? “Yes, it’s an illness,and a serious one!”

“But why?” The curious fairy continued topress.

“No reason, you will understand that someday!”

“Really, young mistress, I want to findout more about it now!”

“Ugh, I can’t help you there!”

“Why not?”

“You keep asking me, but I don’t haveanswers!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao randomly chitchatted withlittle Yuteng while on her way home. When she arrived at home, there was n.o.bodyin the courtyard. She could hear a lot of ruckus coming from the direction ofthe ranch. Cheng Xiao Xiao had Yuteng returned to the dimension while sheheaded toward the sound.

“Miss Cheng, you are here!” greetedInnkeeper Zhu with a big smile, cupping his hands.

She casted a look at him and thought about.i.t for a second, “After this sale, we will reach out to you when we want tomake another transactions. No need to keep coming back!”

“Well, that….” He couldn’t make thatdecision so he looked at Deacon Bai.

Deacon Bai walked over after hearing theconversation, smiling he said, “Miss Cheng, we will wait for your notice;however, we may reach out with some questions before then, I hope that will bealright!”


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