A troop of horses approached with great speed and leaving a trailof dusts behind them. Through the window, she could tell the one at the veryfront was Ning Xunzong!

Seeing him all lively again, Cheng Xiao Xiao lifted the corner ofher mouth and a cold look flashed past her eyes.

The noises outside startled those inside the courtyard. The motherand the sibling screamed. Cheng Xiao Xiao ran outside with flours all over herhand.

“Xiao Xiao, many have came!” Mrs. Cheng was nervous, “Your dadwent to the village and hasn’t returned yet. What should we do?”

The two young ones didn’t make a noise but looked at their oldersister wisely. Their older sister called all the shots at home.

Cheng Xiao Xiao walked over and comforted them with a smile, “Mom,what you worry about? Have you forgotten that we have pets now? n.o.body can hurtus. Anyone break in here, just release your pets on the. Don’t worry, nothingwill happen. I will go check it out outside!”

“Xiao Xiao, be careful!” Mrs. Cheng was a bit fl.u.s.tered and neveroccurred to her to take care of the newcomers herself, just telling Cheng XiaoXiao to be careful.

The young Cheng Zheng Bin stood up, puffed his chest and saidloudly, “Big sister, don’t worry, I will project mom and little sister!”

“Good, you do that!” Cheng Xiao Xiao smiled at her brother, “Don’tbe afraid to hurt any of the intruders. And don’t let your mom and littlesister be frightened or get hurt!”

“Okay, big sister, I will fulfill my duty!”

“I trust you!”

After encouraging her young brother and comforted her mom andyounger sister, Cheng Xiao Xiao walked outside nonchalantly. She walked over tothe vegetable field and nonchalantly watched arrival of the quickly approachinghorses and people.

Seeing her appearing, all the riders stopped the horses anddismounted one by one and walked toward her.

The girl in front of them, unadorned and refreshing looking,everybody figured she was the maiden of the Cheng’s – Cheng Xiao Xiao.

Mu Qingtong, the instructor, was a bit surprised while looking atthe Cheng’s maiden. She wasn’t exactly a beauty, but she certainly possessed akind of out-of-this-world elegance that made even those who had seen all sortof beautiful women knew that she’s a fair lady.

Of course, what surprised him even more was her careless andnonchalant mannerism, as though she has been expecting their arrival. Shedidn’t seem a bit surprised at all.

What was going on?

He pondered about this. All the others who followed him here alsocouldn’t help but to looked her up and down. Her elegance and her mannerismdefinitely was not that belonging to a common village girl. She could rival anygirls from their school.

Cheng Xiao Xiao was indifferent to all the looks. She focusedher attention on only one individual. Themarital spiritualist was the strongest rival she had seen thus far.

“Cheng Xiao Xiao, you nasty little girl, I am back!” The arrogantNing Xunzong shouted at her even though his instructor was right there.

A jerk would always be a jerk. Cheng Xiao Xiao didn’t even botherlooking at him. She looked only at one person – Mu Xingtong, the instructorfrom School of Divine Condor.


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