There’s no such thing as the mostidiot person, there’s only moreidiotic person!

Cheng Xiao Xiao finally understood this saying. She brieflyglanced at the self-righteous Ning Xunzong and ignored him. She looked directlyat the coughing Mu Qingtong and said, “Say no more, bring your best. We acceptthe challenge!”

“Cheng Xiao Xiao, you think we are afraid?” said Xu Zhengyangangrily, he couldn’t stand being looked down by Miss Cheng.

“That’s ridiculous, all we wanted was one mythical animal to playwith. And you want to kill us?”

“It was the Cheng’s who started first. This is ridiculous, show uswhat you got!”

“Bring it on. We are not pushovers. Instructor Mu, we are notafraid of her, or anyone else!”

“Instructor Mu, they are going too far. Let’s teach them alesson!”

“The Cheng’s aren’t good fellas. They injured three of ours first,now they injured Instructor Mu and shidiHuang!”


The students of School of Divine Condor started shouting. ChengBiyuan was looking more and more upset. Cheng Xiao Xiao showed no visibleemotional change. She casted an amused look to Mu Qingtong, her meaning wasobvious.

“Shut up—” Mu Qingtong shouted, an inhale and started coughingviolently again until he spit out a mouthful of blood and the shouting studentsfinally quiet down.

Long Yuze, Xue Xingcheng, and Su Yiyang watched the drama unfoldedquietly. They had to sigh, these self-righteous students. They wouldn’t admitto their own ill behavior but to try and blame all faults onto others. Nothinggood would come out of that. They couldn’t even gauge fairly the currentsituation that they were in. This was not going to end well.

An beast tamer. Could they afford to offend a beast tamer?

Forget about these people right here, even the nine top familieswouldn’t causally offend a beast tamer. They would kiss up to them. And thesekids were so clueless!

“I never said you wouldn’t dare. I am hoping you would!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao laughed coldly. She was not concerned about thesepeople. She turned and looked at the three quiet individuals and saidnonchalantly, “Mr. Long, Mr. Xue, and Mr. Su, what’s your take? Is it same astheirs?”

“Our people were at fault first, we will take the punishment MissCheng sees fit!” said Long Yuze with a bitter smile.

Xue Xingchen took a step forward and cupped his hands at ChengBiyuan, “You must be master Cheng. I am Xue Xingchen from the Xue’s family inEmperor City. Our servants had acted out of bounds. I sincerely apologize fortheir behaviors and we will compensate for any damages that they have caused!”

“Master Cheng, I am Su Yiyang from City of Huang. I apologize andwill pay for your damages!”

Cheng Biyuan responded to their gestures and his look lingered onthem. He was surprised that four of the seven most powerful families fromDafeng made their appearances. This would get messy.

Suddenly, Xue Xingchen looked up and down Cheng Biyuan. Hepondered for a bit and asked, “Master Cheng, this might sound a bit abrupt, butI have a question for you. Are you familiar with Cheng Biyuan from the Cheng’sin Emperor City?”

Cheng Biyuan!


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