A turbulence could be felt overhead. The shadow of an angry snakeappeared in the air!

The giant python that had been forgotten was enraged. It didn’teven wait for Cheng Biyuan’s command before he rushed forward to meet thecrowd.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A swift sweep of the snake tail and a group of people was sweptinto the air must like leaves being swept.

The faces of the four standing nearby turned purple immediately. TheCheng’s father and daughter hadn’t even made a move yet. Just the snaked hadalready rendered all the students and their men useless.

“Oh Oh Oh—”

Everybody’s eyes turned red from anger and lost their abilities tothink clearly. They attacked in sheer frenzy.

Flashes of swords and knives, n.o.body could tell who’s who. Amongthe gusts of wind one could hear clearly one of two clanks from metals clangingtogether and everybody charged at the giant python.

Cheng Xiao Xiao’s look remained the same, a sharp look from hereyes. Cheng Biyuan maintained his cold look, not a shred of warmth could beseen in his eyes. One could tell he was fed up with these people who came hereto rob and steal under the false pretense of justice.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The attack of over 100 individuals came like a storm. The giantpython offered no break and in merely a few round, everybody was swept off theirfeet; a hundred something individuals lying on the ground, rolling around andmoaning.

Those that were left had lost all their courage and turned pale,barely holding up their weight to not collapse on the ground and shivering fromfear. They felt that it was impossible to defeat the giant python in front ofthem. Forgetting their own self-esteem, they stood to the side and looked atthose on the ground with pale faces.

The giant python could have easily eaten all of these people. Itdidn’t eat all those moaning on the ground because it was given the order notto. Barely any time has pa.s.sed before it had successfully completed its missionand returned back to behind Cheng Biyuan.

A series of determinations, attacks like thunderstorm, and theentire troop was wiped out. Lung Yuze, Xue Xingchen, Xu Yiyang, Mu Qingtong allstood there with a dark face, speechless.

Cheng Biyuan just looked at the few that were still standing witha scornful look on his face. No words was necessary!

n.o.body said a word and the atmosphere was musky and awkward.

“Dad, big sister—”

A familiar voice. Everybody turned and looked at the voice. Oncethey had gotten a good look, their pupils dilated suddenly. They saw a smallsilhouette sitting on top of a white tiger, hoping toward them quickly.

The person and the tiger arrived in no time. Cheng Xiao Xiaosmiled at him tenderly. Cheng Biyuan took a few steps forward and rubbed hisson on the top of his head, all the coldness was gone from his face. Tenderlyhe asked, “What’s the matter, Bin Bin?”

“Dad, big sister, we were patrolling on both sides of the mountainand, sure enough, had discovered intruders. The snakies had bit about 60 or 70of the to death and we haven’t seen any additional intruders for a bit.” ChengZheng Bin smiled happily. He felt that he was already a grown up and couldcontribute to the family!

“Very nice! Well done!” nodded Cheng Biyuan approvingly.

“Dad, big sister, Bin Bin—”

Another cry from the back of the house. This voice was familiar toLong Yuze and the lot; it belong to the eldest boy of the Cheng’s. They wereall stunned when they saw the Cheng Zheng Yuan appeared riding on a ferociousazure wolf king.

Shocking, shocking. Too shocking!


The scream of a female student brought everybody back to reality.


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