The villagers were familiar with the School of Divine Condorestablishment. It was the most prestigious college in Dafeng. Every graduatesfrom there were famed. Being able to be accepted into School of Divine Condorwas the dream of every youth.

For them villagers, it was almost impossible to be accepted intoSchool of Divine Condor, unless they were able to demonstrated unusual talent.Otherwise, it was but a pipe dream.

Liu Danhuang blushed. Embarra.s.sed, he said, “Uncle Cheng, if ZhengYuan and Zheng Bin will be attending School of Divine Condor. May I please gowith them as their a.s.sistant?”

“Ugh….” Cheng Biyuan was speechless again. He saw the hopeful lookfom the young boy in front of him. He had no heart to crush his dream but hehad no choice but to speak the truth, “Danhuang, I understand. But, you aremistaken. Zheng Yuan and Zheng Bin will not be attending School of DivingCondor.”

From the eyes of a commoner, School of Divine Condor was anunreachable place. But Cheng Biyuan looked beyond that to the most prestigiousplace on the continent – One Sect, One Temple, One Palace, One Valley. That’swhere he really wanted his children to attend.


Danhuang was disappointed and the others shocked. They didn’t understandwhy he’d say that.

Cheng Biyuan looked at the young man in front of him and didn’twant to disappoint him, so after a pause he said, “Danhuang, being ambitious isa good thing. It will, however, be very challenging to start learning martialart at your age. Most would not want to take that on, so….”

“Uncle Cheng, I understand. I was being ridiculous!” As though allhis spirit had been removed from his body, Liu Danhuang slummed in his seatlistlessly.

Looking at him like that, Cheng Biyuan wasn’t sure if he should beangry or find it funny. Scolding him smilingly, “What? You are giving upalready? You so readily give up your ambition?”

“Uncle Cheng…” asked Liu Danhuang dumbfounded.

Cheng Biyuan shook his head helplessly, “I will be honest withyou. Our family are cultivators. We can help you out if that’s what you desire.I can take you in as my disciple. Why don’t you cultivate with Zheng Yuan andZheng Bin whenever you have free time going forward? How does that sound toyou?”

“Oh! That will be great, uncle Cheng! I’d love to!” Liu Danhuangwas so happy he almost jumped up into the air. He nodded frantically inagreement.

“You…” Cheng Biyuan busted out laughing and shook his head. Hetook another look at Liu Danhuang and frowned, “But…”

“Uncle Cheng, what’s the problem?” Liu Danhuang was nervous allover again.

“Your situation at home!” Looking at him, Cheng Biyuan said in adeep voice, “Cultivating takes a long time. If you want to be good at it, youmust spend a lot of time on it. I’m afraid that will be difficult for you!”

Liu Danhuang’s family is not very well off. No only did he helpout his mother on some around the house, his father, Liu Dachun injuredone of his legs while hunting a year ago. He was much help around the house.Liu Danhuang had pretty much taken over the responsibility as the master of thehousehold. If he’s cultivating, then what about his family…?

“Dad, it’s time to eat!”

A clear voice emerged from the kitchen, Liu Danhaung looked up atthe slim figure coming out with the kitchen carrying dishes in her hands. Heballed his hands into fists and a look of determination from his eyes.

(End of Book I)


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