What n.o.body had expected was ChengBiyuan falling in love with the 12-year-old Luo Yuqin, the single child of theLuo’s, the pearl of Master Luo. Their love affair was not blessed by either ofthe families, as Master Luo, much like the Cheng’s, also wanted his daughter tomarry into the four top powers. The masters of the two families had the sameideas, so both of them tried to nip this blossoming romance in the bud.

A year later, the accident happened.Cheng Biyuan was injured by an unknown culprit. Not only was he having adifficult time recovering from his injuries, his cultivation also started todecline. The Cheng’s eventually gave up on him as he could no longer retain hiscultivation.

Going from a pampered genius to auseless failure, being given up by even the elders of the Cheng’s, let alone allthe back-stabbers, the devastation from the drastic change in the way he wasbeing treated nearly crushed him.

Luckily Luo Yuqin sneaked out from herhouse and found Cheng Biyuan. The two were sad and happy at the same time whenthey reunited. Fearing their families would find out, they’ve decided to flee.

Once their escape was discovered, a warbroke out between the Cheng’s and the Luo’s; many were killed or injured. Bothfamilies hated Cheng Biyuan to his guts and a bounty was put out on him.

The two had no knowledge of any of thisand survived a year on their own. That had allowed Cheng Biyuan to recover fromhis injuries, unfortunately, he had to re-cultivate from the ground up.

When the Cheng’s finally found them, itwas three months after they’d gotten married. They were taken back to theCheng’s.

The resurface of the two stirred upconflicts between the two families all over again. Especially from Master Luo,he wanted Cheng Biyuan dead in order to make up for everything. Finally, LuoYuqin threatened to kill herself in front of everyone in order to save ChengBiyuan.

At the end, the Cheng’s had to pay alarge sum to cover up the scandal. Luo Yuqin was already pregnant at this time,so she married into the Cheng’s after all.

It was supposed to be a joyful event,but the Cheng’s viewed it as shameful. They’ve only sent a sedan chair to pickher up. There were no celebrations or banquets, it was worse than the weddingof a servant.

Picture: Sedan Chair

Source: alicdn.com

After their wedding, they were put underhouse arrest inside a worn out small yard. Cheng Biyuan’s brothers visitedoften, and mocked and ridiculed them every time; never treated them as family.

It was until Cheng Biyuan a.s.sisted inthe family business and saved the family from bankruptcies time and again and alsobrought in deals after deals of profits before their living situation improved.

Regardless of how much time and effortthey have put in, their status among the Cheng’s were barely better than of aregular steward; sometimes even the butler looked down on them.

They thought this was going to be theirlives, until Cheng Xiao Xiao was 10 years-old. She ran into the drunken ChengBihua one night; he was so drunk that he tried to molest his own niece. WhenCheng Biyuan found out, he gave him a beating and troubles ensued all overagain.

Holding a grudge, Cheng Bihua set ChengBiyuan up by luring him into the bedroom of an unmarried, genius girl from adistance branch of the family. Even though nothing really happened, just beingin the room of an unmarried girl was nonetheless a big deal.

When words got out, the wronged andaggrieved Cheng Biyuan and his family was banished from the Cheng’s, and ChengBiyuan and his family was removed from the family tree altogether. From thatpoint forward, their live and death no longer matter to the Cheng’s.

As much as the Cheng’s tried to cover upthe incident, some words got out anyhow. Master Luo made the announcement thatCheng Biyuan was never allowed to step foot in the Luo’s for as long as he’salive.

After being exiled from Emperor City,Cheng Biyuan and his family ran into many hardships before they were finallyable to settle down in Willow Village. He thought they would finally be able tolive their quiet and peaceful lives until Cheng Bihua learned of their whereaboutsa year ago, and sent out hit men after him.


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