Six months ago, Cheng Bihua sent his menagain and Cheng Biyuan was injured in the battle. Cheng Xiao Xiao gaveeverything she got and dashed out in an attempt to save her father. Finallyboth of them were injured.

Luckily the Willow villagers came tohelp just in time. Cheng Bihua, who were trying to cull the entire family, hadno choice but to retreat with his men.

The outcome of all these was Cheng XiaoXiao losing all her memories when she’d regained consciousness and all of ChengBiyuan’s bones were broken. Luckily the new Cheng Xiao Xiao was able to curehim and he was able to stand on his own feet again.

After Cheng Zheng Yuan finishedrecounting the events, Cheng Xiao Xiao couldn’t believe the absurdity of itall. Surely she had seen all of these from TV programs in her previous life,but never had she thought they could truly happen.

Now, it was all confirmed. Of course,the most lasting part of all the events were the despicable beast who tried tomolest his own 10-year-old niece. He is going to die!

Cheng Xiao Xiao squinted her eyes and acoldness flashed through them. He will receive special treatment in the future.

“Big, big sister…” Cheng Zheng Yuan felta shiver down his spine. The look on his older sister was simply too scary,like she was about to bite someone’s head off.

Returning to her senses, Cheng Xiao Xiaolooked at her uneasy-looking brother, raised her brows and asked, “What’s thematter?”

“Big sister, where’s Yuteng that you’vealways talked about?” Cheng Zheng Yuan clamed himself and asked withantic.i.p.ation.

“Oh, Yuteng, she’s the jade vine fairy!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao replied casually andalso summoned Yuteng to come greet the guest. Yuteng shouted in discontentafter she flashed out from the dimension, “Young mistress, young master don’tknow anything about anything, what do you want me to talk to him about?!”

“So you are the jade vine fairy?” ChengZheng Yuan’s eyes sparkled like stars in a dark night as he looked at the cutecreature in front of him.

Little Yuteng pouted unhappily, thenwith a wave of her tiny hand, she tossed a snow ginseng that was over 1,000year old into his arms and said, “Go cultivate. You are just a martial scholar.Your opponents can squash you with one hand!”

“Ugh…” Cheng Zheng Yuan didn’t know howto respond to the arrogant fairy in front of him. But with the giant snowginseng in his arms, he gave a huge smile and immediately sat crossed legs onthe ground.

Cheng Xiao Xiao nodded satisfyingly whenshe saw that her brother had immediately focused on cultivating. Soonafterward, she flashed into the dimension.

“Young mistress, I didn’t have enough funtoday. Master had all the fun, how disappointing!” pouted and complained thelittle Yuteng as she sat on the crystal fruit tree.

Cheng Xiao Xiao slowly strode over andignored her complaints. She leaned against the tree and closed her eyes beforeshe spoke, “What you worried about? More people will come for you to play. Howwere those that you’ve tossed out?”

“Young mistress, you are too soft. Howcould you let those jerks live? You know they will for sure come back to causemore trouble. If it was up to me, I’d have fed them straight to the snakies!”

“It wasn’t me being soft, the timing justwasn’t right yet. All they did was paid us a visit. If we had killed them all,we’d anger the public and there would be no place for us to stay!”

“So what? Worse come to worse we willjust leave this place and go somewhere else. This is not exactly paradise!”

“We are not moving anywhere!” Cheng XiaoXiao opened her eyes and cast Yuteng a glance, “How many of those who tried tobreak in died?”

She didn’t forget that little Yuteng hadtaken care of all those who tried to sneak in.

“Oh, not that many, just about 145 orso!” smiled little Yuteng.

“145?” Cheng Xiao Xiao’s look froze onher face. She was not comfortable with teaching the young ones to kill at thisage. These were human lives they were talking about.


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