What’s the other story?

That’s whether it’s worthwhile for theCheng’s to try to coax Cheng Biyuan into returning!

Everybody understood the reasoningbehind it.

After his words, n.o.body utteredanything. Everybody had silently agreed with him!

The two with the highest seniority stillhadn’t said anything and n.o.body could tell what were their thoughts.

The living room had returned to silenceall over again!

Silently, everything looked down attheir toes.

n.o.body knew how much time had pa.s.sedbefore the Cheng’s head of household casted a glance over at the first elder.Slowly, he said, “I say, there’s no need for us to make a move for now. Thereare plenty of others out there who are more eager to find out than us. Oncethey have found that out, we’d find out about it too!”

“Master, would that be too late bythen?” Fourth elder asked softly.

“Too late? Hrm!” Laughed the Cheng’shead of household. “It could never be too late. That b.a.s.t.a.r.d boy, he has ourblood running in his veins to the day he dies!”

The simple sentence was enough to makeeverybody sensed his ruthlessness and heartlessness. At the same time, he hadclearly conveyed to everybody there that, for the rest of Cheng Biyuan’s life,he would never be able to escape his fate of being under the control of theCheng’s.

Unfortunately, back at this day and age,everybody talked about filial obedience; everybody wanted to be attached toone’s filial roots; everybody focused heavily on their bloodline. These werethe rules used to bind many individuals.

The family could determine a youngergeneration’s life. If the family chose to single out certain individual, surelythey have their reasons.

Cheng Biyuan would not be able to changethis fact!

Right then, the first elder, who hasbeen resting with his eyes closed finally opened his eyes, and nonchalantlysaid, “Let’s proceed following the opinion of the master of the house!”

“Yes, First Elder!” With that, all theelders stood and bowed to him.

First elder nodded and disappeared in aflash.

Everybody was already used to that.

The Cheng’s master of the house rose aswell, and said toward everyone there, “Fellow Elders, let’s dismiss. If we hearanything else, we will notify everyone!”

The fellow elders nodded and dispersed.

The eleventh elder was the last toleave. A look at the living room, he couldn’t help but reminiscedthe day when Cheng Biyuan’s fate was determined forthe first time. He let out a silent sigh.

His slightly strayed to the inscribed signhanging above. The forceful characters said, “Hall of Justice and Honesty”.Justice? Honesty? Eleventh elder repeated that to himself in his mind, anironic smile appeared on his face.

Photo: An inscribed board

Source: quanjing.com

No way could the Cheng’s actions live upto that. If anything, they were bringing shame to the sign.

A little while later, he turned and left.

The Gu’s at the city of Yan.

The Gu’s was one of the top three mostpowerful families in the city of Yan. Other than the Luo’s, it would have to bethe Gu’s. The other one was a relatively weaker family.

Inside the Gu’s resident!

Inside an exquisite and luxuriouscourtyard, sat the Gu’s young master Gu Gaoyi and his wife Yan Qingqing in thesecond living room.

Both of them were very attractiveindividuals. Gu Gaoyi exudes a commanding feel, and Yan Qingqing cla.s.sy andelegant. They were the most talked about couple within the Gu’s.

Ye,look at your. What is it that you couldn’t share with me?” nagged thedissatisfied Mrs. Gu.

“It’s not that I can’t share, I justdon’t know where to even begin!” sighing, Gu Gaoyi looked at his wife helplesslyand said in a soft tone.

Hearing this, Mrs. Gu was even moreunhappy. Bluntly, she said, “Say it however you want. Am I an outsider? Makingyou feel so troubled sharing something with me?”

“Of course not!” Gu Gaoyi didn’t knowhow to react to that, helplessly he shook his head,”Qingqing, you rememberCheng Biyuan from the Cheng’s in Emperor City?”


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