“Why did you bring him up again?”

Mrs. Gu’s face dropped immediately andher pitch raised, “I have said it in the past. I don’t care how close you arewith him, I am never going to let our Jun’er (Gu Junxian, their eldest son)marry a girl who had been banished by her family. Gu Gaoyi, don’t you everforget that. You are the oldest in the family, and our Jun’er is the oldestgrandson. He will become head of family at some point. How is he going to facethe world if he were to take a village girl as his wife? He would never heardthe end of it just from your side of the family! I disagree. I vehementlydisagree. You need to send someone over to Cheng Biyuan soon and nullify thismarriage arrangement.”

She rambled on and on, and leaving GuGaoyi rubbing his temple with a headache. In a not-so-happy manner, he said,“Look at you going on and on about it. I wasn’t going to talk to you aboutJun’er’s marriage. This is something else!”

“Oh? What is it?” As long as it hasnothing to do with her precious son’s marriage, she immediately returned backto the tender, loving wife that she was.

“Oh, you…” Gu Gaoyi shook his head, “Youstay indoor all the time so you haven’t heard the news on the streets yet. Youstill remember words had it that they have discovered a mystical spring inWillow?”

“Yeah, of course!” Mrs. Gu’s eyes beamedimmediately, “Ye, is it true there’sa mystical spring? If so, you better send someone to buy some soon, for Jun’er.He’s almost martial master. With the help of the mystical spring water, he’dcertainly become a martial master right away. Then, he will be the youngestmartial master right away!”

“I wouldn’t say he’ll be the youngest.Many students at School of Divine Condor became martial master at the age of 14or 15. Don’t forget that Jun’er is already 17!”

“Yeah, yeah, stop picking on me. Wouldit kill you to say something nice?”

“Alright, alight…” Gu Gaoyi’s headachereturned, “Let me finish and stop digressing!”

“Okay, go ahead!” Mrs. Gu stoppedtalking.

“We have received more news about themystical spring. But you’d never guess, Cheng di is also at Willow Village!”

“WHAT?” Mrs. Gu couldn’t be moresurprised, “This has nothing to do with uncle Cheng, right?”

“Nope, you are wrong! It certainlydoes!” Gu Gaoyi looked at his wife with an inexplicable smile, “It haseverything to do with him, because the mystical well belongs to Cheng Biyuanand his family!”

“Oh!” Mrs. Gu was stunned. In disbelief,she said, “That’s impossible. How is it his well?”

“Of course it is. Why would I lie toyou?” smiled Gu Gaoyi, “And there’s more. You will be shocked by this one. No,I should say, many were shocked by this one!”

“What is it?!”

“Through the instructors and students ofSchool of Divine Condor, along with the Long’s and Xue’s of Emperor City andXu’s of Huang, Cheng di along withhis two sons are all beast tamers!”


Mrs. Gu’s eyes widened and she jumpedstraight up from the chair. She shouted in disbelief, “This, this is alltrue??”

“Why would I lie to you?” Gu Gaoyirolled his eyes unhappily.

“This, this is, simply, simply toounbelievable!”

Mrs. Gu sat down again and mumbled toherself. Obviously she wasn’t taking the news very well. Her pretty face turnedfrom blue to white then back to normal. It was quite colorful.

Gu Gaoyi saw the look on his wife’sface. Naturally he knew what was going through her mind. He let out a sighhelplessly.


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