The Liu siblings carried a basket eachand arrived at the largest vegetable field of the Cheng’s.

If the source of the Cheng’s mysticalbeasts was a mystery, then the Cheng’s vegetable garden was another mystery.

The Willow villagers could never figureout why the vegetables in the Cheng’s garden always seemed to be inexhaustibleno matter how much they pick . Or why their farm animals (they were alsomystical animals, but from the eyes of the villages, they thought they wereordinary farm animals) were also inexhaustible no many how many theyslaughtered. They seem to always just replenish themselves.

n.o.body could figure any of these out.Luckily, the villagers were well aware that these were the Cheng’s familysecrets so even though they were curious, n.o.body dare to ask,

Over the last several months, theCheng’s status in the villagers’ minds had changed gradually. n.o.body dare treatthem the same way they used to anymore.

Although most people knew better than toask, these didn’t apply to Cheng Xiao Xiao’s two new maids. Yecao, the youngerof one them, blinked her limpid eyes and asked with curiosity, “Miss, how didwe group these vegetables? How come they are able to grow so quickly?”

“Oh, that’s simple, it was because we hadsoaked these land with our well water previously and now we water them dailywith our well water. That’s why our vegetables tend to grow faster than whatyou would see normally!” replied Cheng Xiao Xiao casually.

“Oh, but why?” asked Yecao again,baffled.

Yesu, noticing that Cheng Xiao Xiaodidn’t seem to be displeased, stopped herself from interfering with hercousin’s questioning.

Cheng Xiao Xiao walked into thevegetable garden and put her basket down, “Because our well water is different.When a human drank it, they feel rejuvenated and rid them of the feeling ofbeing tired; when we water the vegetables with them, they grow faster!”

“Why is it so amazing? How come myfamily’s well water doesn’t have the same effect?”

“Because ours is a mystical spring, andyours are not!”

“What is a mystical spring?”

Seeing that her cousin had no intention of stopping with her questionig,Yesu quickly tugged at her and said, “How do you come up with so manyquestions? Hurry up and help pick vegetables and stop slacking!”

“I am not slacking!” said Yecao with apout.

Cheng Xiao Xiao, humored by the twosibling, said, “Okay, one of you on each side, pick all the vegetables!”

“Yes, miss!”

The two replied obediently, Cheng XiaoXiao responded back to Yecao, “I can explain the mystical well to you now, butyou won’t be able to fully understand it just yet. You will figure it out lateron. For now, just remember that water from the mystical spring is of a betterquality, okay?”

“Oh, okay, miss. I understood!”

Yecao has a more simple andstraightforward personality and always spoke her mind. Quite the contrary, Yesuwas older and remembering all the lessons from her parents and her grandfather,observe more of the difference in their statuses and was less casual with ChengXiao Xiao.

The three of them continued to chitchatas they picked away at the vegetable field. As for little Yecao’s question,Cheng Xiao Xiao answered what she could, anything she couldn’t explain she justmuddle through them.

Right when they were busying themselveswith the vegetable-picking, footsteps could be heard upfront. Cheng Xiao Xiaocouldn’t help but to look up and she saw four to five women returning with thegirls that left not too long ago.

“Young mistress, touble incomng!”laughed the little Yuteng as if she was looking forward for the drama tounfold.

Before she could respond, one of themalready started shouting at her, “Xiao Xiao, you get out there. We need to talk!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao stood up slowly andreplied lightly when they got closer, “Shi daniang, what seems to be the matter?

“Xiao Xiao, are you looking down on meShi da niang? Why did you take allthe other girls except mine? Have I Shi daniang offended you before? Why did you have to say those threatening wordsand sent out second daughter home?”


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