The old patriarch was still mad after hegot spittle all over him, he continued angrily, “We have been so poor that wecouldn’t feed or cloth ourselves. We can’t afford medicines when we are sick;our youths can’t afford to get married. And you want to talk about ourancestor’s accomplishment? Are you kidding me?!”

After hearing that, Liu Erping finallyquiet down. He knew that the old patriarch was smarter than everyone else. Whathe said made sense, so he didn’t say any more.

Cheng Biyuan didn’t know what wentthrough the old patriarch’s mind. And even if he did, he would have justlaughed it off. After all, these were not things that could be changed overnight.

“Xiao Xiao, do you think it will bedangerous letting the villager go out tomorrow?”

Cheng Biyuan felt that his family hadattracted all the unwanted attention for all walks of life. If that led to anyvillagers being harmed, he’d feel very bad about it.

Walking next to him, Cheng Xiao Xiaounderstood her father’s thoughts. Softly she said, “Dad, but that can’t be thereason we forbid them to leave the village for the rest of their lives. Andeven if they stay in the village for the rest of their lives, it still doesn’tguarantee that they will be save forever. n.o.body can predict accidents!”

“You’ve already said all you could. Theymore or less understand the situation here. If they really got themselves inany sort of trouble, that’s on them, not us!”

“That being said, we can’t just stand byeither. Otherwise, how can we live here carefree?” Cheng Biyuan had on a very austerelook.

Cheng Xiao Xiao thought about it someand suggested, “Dad, why don’t we send the mystical beasts to guard the pathbetween our village to the town? If anyone try to harm the villagers, they canprotect them secretly. If something happens inside the town, there’s not muchwe could do!”

“Perhaps. Have fairy Yuteng arrangementsome protection on the path. We will do our best to protect the villager!”

“I understand, dad!”

“We are employing a lot of people rightnow. Once we’ve cultivated all the barren land, you can grow whatever you want.And let’s find another spot and we will dig out a pond. The mystical fish tastefresh and smooth and everybody loves it!”

“Dad, you can supervise them to havethat done!”

“Xiao Xiao you give this some morethoughts. What else do we need? You are the only one who knows what your idealparadise looks like!”

“Hehe, dad. You have been around longerthan me. You can decide!”

The two of them walked and chatted atthe same time as they headed toward home.

Somebody has been to Willow Village!

This new spread like wild fire in thetown of Daling. Even the skeptics couldn’t sit tight anymore after seeing themystical animals in carriages showed up in town!

Of course, even more people inquiredthis mysterious group how they were able to get inside of Willow.

Everybody knew that Willow has beenbarricaded with mystical beasts guarding all roads leading into the village,making it almost impossible to enter. Now not only was someone able to getinside, they had further stroke a deal with the Cheng’s. Naturally everybodywho had been waiting around time were getting anxious.

Zhu Bo ignored inquires from allparties. With his status, he didn’t even need to answer to School of DivineCondor, let along any other powers.

Everybody surrounded Lai Yue Inn forhalf a day asking around to no avail. However, it didn’t matter that theydidn’t get any further information; what’s important was that this group ofpeople had definitely gotten inside Willow!

The Ning’s residence!

“Ning lao di, you sure this is true?” Old Lin was slightly taken aback.

A very serious-looking old man Ningnodded, “Most definitely, I’ve seen the Cheng’s mystical animals with my owneyes!”


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