“Did some very powerful individualarrive?”

“Who could be so brutal and did this tothem? How dare them do that to someone from School of Divine Condor!”


n.o.body from the Ning’s said anything.Other than the low weeping from the women in the house, the only noise onecould hear was the conversation of the students. Everybody was curious whoinjured Nine Xunzong and the lot.

The three elders stayed with old manNing, comforting him wordlessly. They hope he could make it through this hump.

After a long while, the bedroom doorfinally opened, an old man carrying a medical box walked out. He was, indeed,the doctor hired by the Ning’s.

“Dr. Wen, what’s the prognosis forZong’er?” The old madam couldn’t care about wiping away her tears but quicklygrabbed the doctor walking out from the room and eager asked.

“Madam, slow down, slow down!” Dr. Wentried to comfort the old madam, who looked like she was about to pa.s.s out anytime, but he had no choice but to tell her the truth, “Master, Madam, the youngmaster, along with the other two gentlemen have the same status. Their injurieswere all on their legs. Other than the minor cuts, there were two more seriousissues: one was their knees being crushed and the other being that the tendonsin their legs had been severed. I’m afraid they’d never be able to standagain.”

“NO!” wailed the madam. “My Zong’er! Mygrandchild!”

She pounded her chest a few times and,all of a sudden, her body went limb and she started to fall backward. The startledmaids, young and old, all rushed over to stop her from falling.


“Madam! Are you okay?”

“Madam! Madam! Doctor, please come overto check on the madam!”

All of a sudden, the young and old maidswere raising a ruckus.

Old man Ning felt as though he wa.s.struck by a lightning and he couldn’t even comprehend what was going on.Looking at his wife wailing then losing consciousness, he had no reaction toall these at all.

There was only one thought in his mind –his grandson was crippled. He wouldn’t be able to stand again.

“Ning lao di, Ning lao di!!”

Old man Lin saw that his good friend was in shock andfelt awful, he couldn’t help but to comfort him, “Ning lao di, take it easy. We will figure something out. Remember we’veheard of medicines (dan) that couldheal severed tendons? We just have to find these pills for Xunzong!”

Photo: dan (usually in less than perfect spheres)

Source: sh.qihoo.com

Photo: dan (first picture is closer to what I have in mind, in NOT so perfect sphere, but I guess they can come in smaller sizes too)

Source: baidu.com

Old man Quan joined in in consoling oldman Ning, “Ning lao di, as long asXunzong is okay, we can find a way to treat his injuries.”

“Exactly, people hadtaken these medicines before and all their severed tendons recovered. Just calmdown for now, Ning lao di.”

After the words fromhis good friends, old man Ning finally recovered from his shock. Suddenly, heseemed to have aged a few years. His previously straightened back hunched alittle.

“Ning lao, what exactly happened?”

Finally, words had reachedMu Qingtong, who had been recovering from his injuries in the guest quarter.Seeing his arrival, old man Du said to the rest of them, “Let’s find a place tosit down and talk.”

The Ning’s residentfinally returned to its usual quietness after two hours.

Several peoplesitting in the Ning’s living room. None of them looking too happy. Especiallyold man Ning, looking all the more dejected. His precious grandchild wouldnever be able to stand again, how could he not?

Similarly, MuQingtong looked scarily gloomy. After resting for the last few days, he hasbeen recovering well. He didn’t expect that his three students would be turnedinto crippled today. What could he possibly say to the management of the schoolas their instructor?

“Elders, you mustknow what happened, right?” Mu Qingtong stared at them intensely. He knew thathe had saved the three and brought them back. They must know what happened.


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