As to whether they were going to waitfor three months before entering Willow, they haven’t decided yet. Thea.s.sociate dean was enraged when he saw the three crippled students. He swore hewill get justice for them!

Who was the culprit?

Ning Xunzong and the lot were certainthis was done by the Cheng’s because they saw a few vines coming at them beforethey lost consciousness. And the only person who could have vines as weapon wasnone other than Cheng Xiao Xiao.

Not to mention that all the students whohad been to the Cheng’s were thrown out of Willow by vines. All evidence pointto the fact that the culprit must be Cheng Xiao Xiao.

But why did Cheng Xiao Xiao attackedthem? This was another mystery. Even though he didn’t have an answer for thatquestion, the a.s.sociate dean still waved his hand and decided to go find outfrom Cheng Xiao Xiao the next day after he had gotten some rest.

After leaving Daling, Zhu Bo returnedback to his own territory at the fastest speed possible along with his mysticalanimals and water.

Green Mountain Manor!

Zho Bo did not rest after returning tohis manor but immediately summon his son into his study.

Not too much time had pa.s.sed by when a straight-standingyoung man appeared in front of him. His handsome face looked a lot like that ofZhu Bo; he was, indeed, his son Zhu Xiangyu.

“Dad, you are home!” Zhu Xiangyu greetedhis father, walked over, and sat down in an empty seat.

Zhu Bo nodded lightly and, looking athis just twenty year-old son, asked, “What’s the situation like in all thecountries? I trust that nothing serious had happened?”

“Dad, what else could have happened? Themost discussed topic currently is still the Cheng’s at Willow. It’s causinghavoc in Dafeng.”

Recalling all the news and rumors aboutthe Cheng’s lately, Zhu Bo couldn’t help but to smile brightly.

Casually leaning up against the chair,Zhu Xiangyu replied mindlessly and asked, “Dad, you just got back. Why did yousummon me rather getting some rest?”

“Because I have things to discuss withyou, of course!” Zhu Bo stared at his son who’d only relax in front of his ownfamily and said lightly, “You don’t have much going on lately. So why don’t youmake a trip for me and go back to Willow Village in Qing’an Province?”

“What? Willow again?”

Zhu Xiangyu furrowed his sword-likebrows and said, “Dad, it seemed you have just arrived home, and from that exactplace no less. Why do we need to go again? Something else happening at WillowVillage?”

“Nothing’s happening!” replied Zhu Bowhile shaking his head slightly, “I need you to make a delivery to the Cheng’s.Nothing could happen to this delivery.”

“Delivery?” Zhu Xiangyu looked much moreserious and sat up straight, “Dad, do we need to invite the elders to discuss?”

“No need. I summoned you because I wantto you take care of this. No need for the elders!” smiled Zhu Bo lightly. Hethought about Cheng Xiao Xiao, and looked at his precious son in front of them,and felt very contended.

Zhu Xiangyu was very sensitive. Henoticed the odd way that his father was looking at him and raised his defense,“Dad, are you plotting something else? Don’t try to set me up! Otherwise, I amnot coming home ever again. I will go to mom’s and leave you here by yourself!”

“Cough, cough, cough…”

Zhu Bo was slightly embarra.s.sed beingblackmailed by his own son. He put on faked sternness and said, “What plot? Ijust want you to make a delivery to the Cheng’s. On top of that, I want you tostay for a while at Daling and keep an eye out on all the power players outthere and the sales of the Cheng’s mystical water and animals. All these havemuch to do with our businesses, you understand?”


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