She was quite pretty, her face fair, her body slim, her eyes clear andbright, and a wooden hairpin and in her black, shiny hair. Her skin pale likejade, glowing a kind of simple beauty. Especially the way she was indifferentto everybody’s angry accusation, she was certainly very different from when shewas quiet and timid as a child.

When exactly did she change?

Was it because of everything that had happened to her family? Or wasthis her true self?

Regardless of how she had changed, even if she was beautiful like afairy, Gu Junxian still didn’t believe he’d be attracted to her. In his mind,the only thing left was just the shame that had been branded to his bones.

“Cheng Xiao Xiao, what else do you have to say?” The a.s.sociate deantalked as though he was on higher ground, in a stern and austere voice.

The indifferent Cheng Xiao Xiao swept pa.s.sed all the student who hadjumped out with her gaze and finally stopped at the a.s.sociate dean, “As n.o.bodyhad actually witnessed me attacking your people, then don’t try to p.a.w.n it offon me. You need evidence for everything, not just one side of the story. Isaid, old man, are those goatee of yours fake? Stop being so full of yourself,otherwise, I won’t be so polite anymore!”

“You!” The a.s.sociate dean stared at her angrily.

Cheng Xiao Xiao let out a slight hrmph and ignored him. Mu Qingtong wasenraged and shouted at her, “Cheng Xiao Xiao, that is chicanery. Don’t try todeny that you can use vine as weapon!”


Cheng Xiao Xiao was finally annoyed by these idiots. She waved her armand a square and flat fan appeared in her hand, which she used to smack at himwhile she shouted angrily, “Weapon? I will show you my weapon right now!”

“Oh!!” One of the students, while pointing at the fly swatter in herhand, shrieked, “What is that?”

“Fan? How is that such an odd looking fan?”

“Oh my G.o.d, it looks like the fan can grow bigger!”

“This is her weapon?”

Not only were all the student exclaiming left and right, even theexperienced and knowledgeable a.s.sociate dean couldn’t help but looked shockedafter seeing it.

Among all the screaming, ChengXiao Xiao’s face was stone cold. She swung the fly swatter, leaving a silverline in the air, and without hesitation, aimed it straight at Mu Qingtongferociously.

The odd-looking fly swatter stunned Mu Qingtong for a second, when he recoveredfrom it, the enlarging fan was already coming down on him.

Oh no!

A cry inside her mind and “SHOO!”, Mu Qingtong was nowhere to be seen.


A thunderous sound exploded in the air and rang in everyone’s ears. Atthe same time, an unmatched force was released outward.

At that moment, everybody felt that the ground had shook and everybodywas startled.

“Hmmm, the fly didn’t get killed. What a pity!” Cheng Xiao Xiao’s lookwas dark, and glowing was a sense of coldness.


Mu Qingtong was so angry his entire body was shaking. The proud andarrogant man being called a fly in front of everyone. How could he put up withthat? He was disoriented and so angry that he almost spit out blood.

“Well, was I wrong? Don’t you know those from School of Divine Condorare like? Those three trash, given their personalities and the way they behave,why is it so surprising that someone had crippled them? What gave you therights to blame that on me?”

Cheng Xiao Xiao laughed coldly, “I certainly would love to have done somyself. It was unfortunate that I was tied up then. So you said you didn’tknow? At that time I was standing right at the entrance of the village talkedto three deacon elders from the nine top sects. I had even given them each abottle of mystical water. Would you like me to locate them?”



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1.A respectable way to refer to your teacher’s wife.


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